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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Capuccino

  1. Yeah! >.< Like yesterday, hmm.. (dont want to share what happen yesterday XD) Peace! The person below me use Spotify.
  2. Am i? idk. hahahah! The person below me loves rain.
  3. Yeah. Since freshmen highschool until senior hs. Stick to one crush <3 hahahah! The person below me charges his/her phone every morning.
  4. Shh.. hahahah! *wink** XD The person below me is single. <3
  5. Totally and take pic and post in instagram! The person below me wear glasses whenever he/she uses computer.
  6. I think I can do hosting. Tell me events should I host, since I'm gone like decades LOL

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. niemono89


      drinking the most latte event :3~?

    3. Euphoria


      Warp Portal! Banana as bonus prize!

    4. Kelly Ngo

      Kelly Ngo

      hide and seek pls<3!!

  7. Hello! Welcome to the server. Hope to see you in-game if I'm available. CIAO~
  8. i'm starting drinking coffee on afternoon. Caffeine attack!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. niemono89


      Capu :3

      Latte preferred~?

    3. Nelly


      Dont u guys know fresh juice is good for your health

    4. Capuccino


      @nlemono89: i like latte :D

      @Nelly: fresh juice isn't avail in the office :(

  9. I really need. I feel tired xD The person below me is hot :D
  10. I want this. ^0^
  11. Happy hearts day! I want donuts please >~<

  12. Good job :) but still cant beat me ^0^
  13. Yey! i'm 3 :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. niemono89


      I'm working at starbucks, have daily coffee routine there :P

      But i still want cuppa cappuccino from "capuccino" please~

    3. Capuccino


      @Seraphine: Thanks ^0^

      @niemono89: Let me think about that. :D

    4. niemono89


      just make a cuppa of capucicno for me please :P

  14. I love how cold I live in my place. But the weather gives me sick D:

    1. Ares


      Get well the soonest

    2. Monaco96


      ouch..get well yea

  15. Welcome to the server SweetTooth! Hope to see you in-game.. :P
  16. Yeah! Whenever someone posted before me quickly.. The person below me is using their phone while charging.
  17. hahaha! I have crispy shrimp crackers here. :P yummy~ The person below me buys at 7/11 stores.
  18. So true! I dont want to live in a hot places. This is why I dont travel that much. :P The person below me likes the rain.
  19. I'm not getting use wearing glasses. -.- Such a pain on my nose part.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChainBreak


      I was 8 at the time, but still remember how long it took me to get used to it.

    3. kyoshiro029


      the strain in the eyes was the killer for me..... as well as when it fogs up when its raining and when it constantly slips when you're running.... qnq those stuff are things i can't get used too

    4. Capuccino


      Omg. I thought I'm the only one feels that.. thanks T_T

  20. I'm not into that game D: The person below me miss someone to talk to.
  21. Who wants a siggy? 1 slot open.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aerofox


      I'll just say 'Cupcakes', and the Minstrel class.

      That's all, surprise me Cappy c:

    3. Aerofox


      *Brownies & Cupcakes

    4. Monaco96
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