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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by hazbird123

  1. closed
  2. 69
  3. pm BOMBIN~ERRYDAY plz ^^
  4. open to trades
  5. Bro he didn't say you're wrong about anything, he "politely" <--- (key word) said you're being a dick and talking just to talk, while being a dick xD I'm sure he spends more than enough time outta his life reading suggestions, thinking of how they will effect the server(yes, that includes you too), and taking into consideration how much work the changes will take. Also right after he asked you to be pleasant you decided to be a dick again... Give your fucking head a shake zerg yes i do realize i just did what u did as well, but you obviously didn't get the hint.. Anyways I like Gen, Shino, Vera, and Dream! <3
  6. Those can both b useful what r u guys smoking xD i use dopple ERRYDAY
  7. Howdy! I hope u enjoy the server :D msg me if u wanna ask questions or anything ^^
  9. well ill provide one, EVERYDAY I hear people say they r bored at one point or another. Why not add a Tuesday woe with a new castle or something along those lines?
  10. O SNAP!!! its sooo on bro :P
  11. I see potential in this, i would say wait and see what the return of fcp/buffs brings as well as the high pvp token prices atm. I did see a video recently of the pvp room a few years ago, and im super jelly! There was like 20 people all doing there own thing, some chilling, some killing and plenty of cloaked people sneaking around too. That looks like alot more fun than what we have currently. My suggestion apposed to adding mini pvp toks would be speeding up activity token gain while ur in the pvp room which would b cool cause if you go into pvp alot you probably lack activity toks like me from logging in and out all the time cause no one is there to kill u haha. Also this wouldn't change the eco much or at all since u cant sell activity prizes, and most are just for looks anyways.
  12. Birthdays are nature's way of telling us to eat more cake. Soooo ima get my fat on today! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Capuccino


      And reminds us that we're older than before. More ones again.

    3. Rayray


      Mostly it just tells me that I had to treat my girlfriend, friends and co-workers to lunch. :p

    4. thePast


      Happy bday mate :3

  13. Good to see old players come back! Welcome back ^^
  14. Awesome update! <3
  15. Updated
  16. well, ummmm, pretty much erryday id say <3

  17. Just a heads up ladies, I'm beaver-free until further notice. So don't try to seduce me with your knockers, it won't work. You're dismissed. :P

  18. I'm sure you're all cute but i'm the cutest! ~ERRYDAY <3
  19. i like the idea of changing 1 or more of the castles, or adding another once a week castle ^^
  20. Awesome topic Gurkak!!!
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