Surprised no one has said Amelia Kaori or Hollister yet, I really enjoy those 2 bios along with Zero and myself.
I would say you are very wrong and dont understand how i started winning pvp Sky. During my first 2 weeks of pvp ladder i wasn't geared at all besides having most of my mvp cards and legendary gear(had 4 bombring cards in my L.mace at that point and 2 silver kiels still haha). I had no allies as well, which in fact made life easier since there were more options of people to kill and less friends or friends of friends to worry about...
I also got better mainly through fighting everyone, not just the newbies(in fact when i started this server i enjoyed picking fights with super geared people above all else and still do) but you are right about the time you need to put into the pvp room and about how much you will need to use the BC to get people in there(fyi preparation is the most important thing in winning pvp room).
Also, NO not any bio can win 1st place just by having a ton of money and allies. Ive known a few rich bios that thought they could beat me with just using better gear and guess what happened ^.^