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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by hazbird123

  1. Haha I love this topic! Nice one randy! :D keep leaving your bully lists ill add to my KOS list xD For me its 3 bios in shibolleth that love to kill newbies and then trashtalk me when I defend the newbies. Tragfla... Law still swears at me and has me blocked haha good thing for the internet or id have no idea what she or he says xD
  2. I like James de Slinger and Divx
  3. Surprised no one has said Amelia Kaori or Hollister yet, I really enjoy those 2 bios along with Zero and myself. I would say you are very wrong and dont understand how i started winning pvp Sky. During my first 2 weeks of pvp ladder i wasn't geared at all besides having most of my mvp cards and legendary gear(had 4 bombring cards in my L.mace at that point and 2 silver kiels still haha). I had no allies as well, which in fact made life easier since there were more options of people to kill and less friends or friends of friends to worry about... I also got better mainly through fighting everyone, not just the newbies(in fact when i started this server i enjoyed picking fights with super geared people above all else and still do) but you are right about the time you need to put into the pvp room and about how much you will need to use the BC to get people in there(fyi preparation is the most important thing in winning pvp room). Also, NO not any bio can win 1st place just by having a ton of money and allies. Ive known a few rich bios that thought they could beat me with just using better gear and guess what happened ^.^
  4. nope, cant trade them
  5. That's fair to say. I may be a little Bias since I've taking in ex-Endevour with nothing good to say and during my brief time at Veneration a lot of the guild hated my guts xD On top of all that I like to root for the under dogs 9 times outta 10 ^^ I wont be fully persuaded on this one tho. I have my own experiences with a many of the members(Lots of awesome people too, dont get me wrong) but next to you Id be more than kind using the word snob for a few of them.
  6. Xathanael 2 chainz Pro active Skyfall El-
  7. The only guild that truely dominated WOE, GVG, and Br since ive started at least was Veneration. For almost a month Apil Juice did very well considering how newbie friendly we were. I also like Hope for their ability to get castles with few actives on for WOE. As of late Endevour has done very well with WOE, GVG and BR. Though my Boss Bears guild takes in Endevour newbies who said Endevour are the snobs that i recall many in Veneration were, so id call them more of a buisness than a guild like Veneration was haha.
  8. Ask away and ill answer everything i can :) Hope you enjoy the server!
  9. Haha ya thats why im banned right now didn't you know xD but really im not banned and thats cuz i dont feed. How about you come try to kill me drunk. After i eat u a few hundred times, then you can say i fed on you <3 ERRYDAY DRUNK! GET READY ;)
  10. ID say Nightmare Zero and Precious Bio are probably both better than me in knowledge, gear, and skill although im certain i put more effort into the pvp aspect(when not alot besides pride and another kill in pvp are on the line at least haha) there are a few other super geared bios that i dont see often so i dont know if they are good or just rich. Thinking towards just rich from my few encounters.
  11. WELCOME! I hope you enjoy the server. PM me to see my gear or ask questions whenever :)
  12. +1 FCP someone, wait for a thank you then kill them ^^
  13. Welcome to the server i hope you enjoy it. PM Hazbird or BOMBIN~ERRYDAY if you have questions or want into my newbie help/woe guild :)
  14. +1
  15. #4 +1 I would also like to know who breaks emp in 2.0 but id say woe is fine right now, even better. There is a bunch of small guilds rather than 1 or 2 guilds that dominate every woe. I would like if another single castle got opened for tuesday, thursday, and sunday tho ^.^ a fresh castle to break couldn't hurt too much..
  16. Dont worry, i have ss of him moving up in the ranks all on the same ungeared player ill make a ticket soon
  17. Most of my gearing up was done thru hocus pocus summoning, as well as many fun times with group summoning. Please bring summoning back. I know alot of new players that have 1 or 2 mvp cards and only have those thanks to summoning. Normal mvp hunting is ok but the mvp rooms are not practical in my opinion
  18. B>F.dagger - 70 F.soldier - 200 S>2 Int belts - 150
  19. Closed ^^
  20. hazbird123

    -El's Shop-

    210 for F.sol
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