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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by sartorius19

  1. So yeah. you can order. Though i have some stocks. PM me in-game or leave order/reply here
  3. get back to yer tamer xD and rest haha
  4. hmmm, i guess so, but the limit of the team members is still blank so i cant comment on it. i havent thought the limit of the number or members xD cause sometimes players wanna join and others dont. so having bigger prize might help on attracting pips to join. but its really fun so yea if they dont increase the prize its ok too as long as the prize can cover the supplies u used up in the event :3
  5. And Alex pawned all the thanatos and got all the cards :3 meanwhile...
  6. Bump ~ xD but i guess i dont even need to bump this thread so just u guys reply. haha
  7. OFC Talking :3 Big hands or Big feet?
  8. you dont need to add. if your friends then ur friends. and gaining friends in forums is easy, interact with them/us and u'll see n_n dont be afraid to talk even in pm's :3
  9. yes someone will just randomly get the prize after clicking the chicken. but its really annoying xD
  10. 650 pls pm me here and/or ingame
  11. and get captured via lewl ball. xD
  12. Singer ! though i am not one. haha Bestfriend or GF/BF ?
  13. +1 i dont see why not. they are kinda cool too, the problem is the sprites again. if available or not xD
  14. Wits. Strength is a factor. And there are far more better factor than that. Killing with weapon or Killing with bare hands ?
  15. I wanna get an aikido or judo spar partner right now =.= grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  16. GOSH ~ BUMP IT !
  17. Soooo hard to be poor In-Game=.=

  18. Life's too short , so dont bother replying in here anymore. hahaha
  19. hahaha xD nice 1 you got what u want n_n but still bad luck for me =.=
  20. MJ sang his thriller and JB got scared and usui,prince, vic and the other ...
  21. wahahaha. i love the little girl dancin' xD
  22. welcome., have on the forums :3
  23. +1 Very good idea vic XD i really love this event too and yes i rarely see it.
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