Well 1st lets evaluate the experiences/observations we had during the event.
1. It is really ENJOYABLE !
2. Took long time to be finished.(though this one is good to keep the fun longer since most players are bored.)
3. Burned seeds more than the price can cover.
4. Bob is very slow, though it is one of the twist of the event.
5. Have big and small parties.(in which smaller parties are easily owned.)
6. Gang in there and here.
7. Search here and search there.
8.Bob can't be killed.(a very good idea)
9. Done in Lhz_dun03 to lhz_dun02 to lhz_dun01 to city.
Now onto some insights and suggestions,
First of all, being solo in this event would only make you waste time/seeds or berry , why ? cause other players or any party can simply gang u up in the exit so most probably since u said in the guide that parties are allowed then players would go in a party, the thing is that there is no limit on the members of the party which basically made it unfair for other parties. All geared players wants to go on to the same party in which will be unfair if members of a party isn't limited.
-So in this insight, i would like to suggest that there should be a limit on the number of members in each party/team.
Onto the next one, the map. Players can simple just wait on the exits per map in which other parties can just wait u up and kill the escort of the party so Bob will just tele away and find a new escort.
-In this one, i wanna suggest on picking a map that have multiple exits. not only one, so others even ungeared party can make a diversion and win. Or if possible a custom map so you can put your desired mobs in it, cause i am not sure if the mobs are the reason you guys picked lhz but most probably, since u need to protect bob, and given that bob cant be killed by players.
Lastly, the prize. Well really the prize is good for one player, but you will really be needing a party to win, And with that said, making a party will make the prize go lower since obviously, winning party will divide the prize among themselves. But due to the pvping nature of the event, you'll use up resources more than the prize can cover as i said on my observation above.
-Well, obviously a higher prize would be really good since a lone player cant win or maybe even with luck, its really a small chance. And of course players would be hypocrite if they say they joined the event for the thrill or fun only(though some really are like that). cause we all know that players are in for events cause of the prizes.
If there are things u wanna add up/revise. feel free to comment xD Since this is merely my own opinion.