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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by sartorius19

  1. T> WhiteRop= Green Butt
  2. Welcome to newcomers lol :3
  3. Soap n__n Lasagna or Baked Macaroni?
  4. This is just like Saving Bob the only difference is that you need to save and escort bob out of a certain map, nevertheless its still like pvp'ing between parties. And yes this may encourage others to gear up but as we all know its not as easy for others, since they cant donate like others too. In addition to that... If the leaders of each party would pick his members then as GM Shino said, leaders will try to get the most geared of that job/class for his/her party. And yes you are saying others can join other parties, but what im thinking about that is that average geared players will be forced to team with each other. And if you were to put a battle between them, who would win? A party full of really geared members or a party full of average geared members? this may explain what GM Shino is trying to say on the phrase "he will get picked up while the others forgotten".
  5. yeah . sorry but -1 on this one. this will make the server imbalance.
  6. ow i didnt know :3 tnx for correcting. then 5:1 n__n
  7. Hellcome means welcome to hell xD hahaha but its just a joke xD
  8. lol 16 pages now :3
  9. i agree that at first it was always so fast. but this time its too much hp, so why not meet halfway. or yeah more time will be good enough though, cause u cant kill it with the current time.
  10. IGN: Alexander Baxter NAme: Cj ^_^
  11. Already sold the vit gaunts... 2:1 for bos tix. UPdated ~
  12. WElcome :3 just pm me in game ill give you bazerald for free lol.
  13. Oops just happened to click the post button. n__n
  14. being serious :3 Red Rose or White Rose?
  15. Updated.
  16. is it? but as i have seen it is still on 2.14b
  17. Enjoy your stay n__n
  18. sartorius19


    Well on MVP's i tried @noks too. but apparently when you warp out its kinda wearing off or turning off so when u warp obviously since the mvp already incurred damage, the 1st to hit last will get it. and im not wizard im a prof. n__n
  19. Im not yet a daddy. hahaha xD
  20. Puppies ! Mercy killin or Brutal Killing? n__n
  21. Selling or Trading the following Stuffs : SOLD ITEMS = SOLD 0 Gears & Items 0 -ProfHigh -Voluspa -VitGaunts -Box of Storm Tickets -666 Cursed Seal Sets -Ring Requirements -Smokie Leaf -Memory Books[0] -Eye of Dullahan -Death Angel -Mother's Nightmare -Crunch Toast -Piece of Darkness 0 Cards 0 -Maya -RSX-0806 -Pharoah -Dark Lord -Dark Illusion -AmonRa -Stormy Knight -Doppelganger -Maya Purple -Cat 'O Nine Tails -Turtle General -Mistress -=Kindly Leave Offers or Pm Me In-Game=-
  22. Gen the Hp of the emp on KoE is still the same? i though u made some changes?
  23. im on atm.
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