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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by sartorius19

  1. Welcome. Kindly check the available Guides in the strategy section to help you out. also try to look at the getting-started page in the website. Goodluck !
  2. If u got a wizard friends. ask him/her to leech u up. the fastest way. but as that nigger up ahead said, using combos is necessary when u lvl up alone. get max aspd. and str. also u can use cards in noob 4 slot weap to help u out. you can also try to use owl baron card in accessory for lex aterna thus doing 2x more damage. Im not sure if asura works on uber poring etc. if it does. it can simply one hit them i think.
  3. Bumping it up xD Needs more support <3
  4. Stone Sage would be the best option for me as well. Treasure box is harder and many people hunts that and u cant get anything valuable from that except a chance to kill detale for eof which cost 600-800 tokens each. But since many player got detale respawn time, if your new i doubt you can kill it before the hunters appear. So when you farm stone of sage in thana tower, you can use, the technique in my guide and get all possible sellable loot like the 3 and 2 carrat diamonds. Also you can use Jing Guai card in a slotted accessory so you will be able to get box of sunlight. and you can sell them 150-200pcs: 1 token . so its an additional income for you. Also. If u farm Zeny, I suggest to take chance on MvP room rather than selling them. Its 10% drop rate during floating rates. so you can farm and save up the whole weekdays span and go to MvP room and take a chance to kill MVPs and sell the cards if you get. But remember this is still a gamble. Sometimes you get card sometimes u dont. thats why i suggest to do it only on weekends when the floating rate is up.
  5. actually u dont need thana. Normal MvP Cards would do. 2 tgk + mammonite cards or just strip cards would do. ^^,
  6. AS Bishop said. please file a ticket about it. Juct click ticket system > create new ticket
  7. what u mean dark color? please elaborate more.
  8. If you are new and wanting to know how to farm. Try reading this guide. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29110

  9. If you are new and wanting to know how to farm. Try reading this guide. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29110

  10. If you are new and wanting to know how to farm. Try reading this guide. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29110

  11. If you are new and wanting to know how to farm. Try reading this guide. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29110

  12. If you are new and wanting to know how to farm. Try reading this guide. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29110

  13. Yeah i could attest to the GM staff on the disconnecting issues.We all have the DC problems a week ago,but now its getting back to normal somehow even though i get dc like 2-3times for long hours, I certainly don't disconnect that often like what u have stated. So kindly check your ping and run a speedtest on your connection. If ur connection gets some disconnection spikes, it will definitely cut your in-game connection. Unlike in surfing using your browser. As they are continuous loading.
  14. hmmm. does the mithril coin pop-up appeared when u exchange? like when u loot something. cause if u have too many things in your storage. i dont think it will change ur zeny nto coins.
  15. wan pip ti payv
  16. Nope. i main Prof O.O TPBM goes nude when going to the beach.
  17. Beatles. ! Preying Mantis or Tarantula?
  18. Welcome to the server. Ive made a farming guide for new ones. so u might want to check it out also. It might help a bit you get things easier while starting. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29110 ^^,
  19. look up it your inventory. if ur storage is full, u will definitely retain it in your etc. inventory,
  20. If you like to have a Monthly SS Event/Contest,PLease support the suggestions , Thank you ! http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29078

  21. I do agree on the L.poopoo ^^,
  22. Welcome. ^^, you might want to see my Farming GUide to help you start out aside from knowing the basic things. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29110 Good Luck ! If u see something White and wearing a huge peaCOCK on the head. its me xD
  23. Bad Drea O.O hahahaha And you might want to check my Farming Guide. So you can Start up ^^, Welcome and hope you enjoy your stay. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29110
  24. its Forsaken Soldier Card. which Gives the user Immunity to Stone Status.
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