I would suggest a Walk speed wing quest coz 100 tokens is exxpensive, and it needed to farm..
- a Legendary Helm of darkness/Mask Of Darkness, if the original one +10 all stat and some more increase in some jobs, make it all 80%
-More legendary sacred color
-If can Make a Legendary quest RAW with variation color, the Quest RAW now is small and so ugly
-Slotted Legendary gaunt/ like make it +20 stat and 4% mdef like the ND belt but its slotted
-More Legendary Rucksacks
-Sprites in legendary Weapon[if can]
-Remove Delay in Soul Breaker and Holy Light
-Increase more SP in Gunslinger or make Desperado from use least SP
-Make vote helms but effect like vote king helm
-Make questable helms that got effect like king helm [fhelm is boring and the only way to have the other is donation so i suggest to make quest of some of them]
-Add lv 10 enlarge weight limit and Clown weapons