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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Blaze

  1. Blaze


    the best Server out there is Retail, especially Sporeggar since its up most of the time and many of the people ( except Halderan, lvl 70 Blood Elf Rogue ) will help you if you ask nice enough, if you CARE to come onto Sporeggar here's my char details Name: Illumason Class: Paladin Race: Blood Elf Level: 51 *July '09* Guild: Spiritus Foltus RP Standing: Mother with one eye and the Real father of her child ignoring her completely
  2. Avenged Sevenfold ( A7X ) papa Roach Disturbed Nickelback Crush 40 Simple Plan Anarchy Club Favorite Song at this time: A7X - Dear God
  3. Blaze

    My New Avatar

    i'd say 2nd because it looks like the signature guy from the Disturbed band
  4. Blaze


    to be honest, i've only seen the Anime series .hach//sign but im assuming its all about teh same thing, a girl trapped in a Game
  5. *bump* cmon,
  6. i'd like to redo my Request if im allowed Theme: your choice Picture: Text: Blaze
  7. thanks Clippy @Damascus: you played Fable? O.o were you good or evil and did you get Avos Tear and the Fire Assassin outfit =P
  8. *sigh* nobodies being my E-boyfriend and Fable was good, bad part was it was a Boos repeat... end of original was Jack of Blades end of expansion = Jack of Blades AS A DRAGON which is really pointless, should've made Scythe the evil guy
  9. thanks guys and WoW does get boring with everyone on your server *i play on Sporeggar EU* runs around as like level 1 and going LOL I PWNZ YOU! after you duel them and kill them with one hit, its poinltess ASWELL as all the gold sellers and damn Farmers
  10. True Tonsilitis is a Throat infection in where your Tonsils swell and white dots appear on your throat, making it hard to swallow, breathe and talk, its possible to die from it, if you have it then go to your doctor and he/she will put you on an Anti Biotic Course with either Pills or Liquid. TPBM knows how much it hurts
  11. Heylo everyone, due to a long time off of school thanks to Tonsilitis i have nothing to do... WoW has got boring and ive completed "Fable The Lost Chapters" *yes i know its an Xbox game but i cant afford a 360 atm* so i've decided to Return to fRo and hope i stay for a longer time then usual but im not holding my breath....cause ill choke hope to see you soon my friends and family ~Blaze~
  12. False TPBM is having a worse time then me *damn my tonsilitis Dx*
  13. Theme: your choice Picture: Text: Blaze EDIT: sorry, changed the picture cause im a fan of Bleach =P
  14. if i had the game i would, but i dont so =P besides, SSBB sucks in my opinion, i like Wii Fit or Sonic and the Secret rings more
  15. False, im not a person, but i am living =P TPBM Thinks that Ping-Pong is underrated and should be boradacasted THROUGHOUT THE WORLD!
  16. yes i did, from blond to black and from black to black + red TPBM loves Anime/Manga
  17. its ok, its Brilliant thankies ^^
  18. would it be possible if you can make me a sig? Name: Blaze Color Scheme: you choose Picture/Abstract: Just the head + back with the blade of course
  19. ive played VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2 my favorite was VII because of the Jenova my favorite Character is Sephiroth,
  20. True *even though i didnt get what you meant xD* TPBM loves/ed School
  21. My favorite after watching Final Fantasy 7, Advent Children
  22. no, because i dont play fRo anymore so it'd be hard
  23. Blaze

    This or that

    English cause its easy for me ^^ Soup or Stew?
  24. False by far TPBM loves Noodles
  25. Blaze

    Your Dream House

    everyone lives in fucked up places 101
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