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Everything posted by Blaze
my Favorite game of all time at the moment is Soul Calibur 3, especially Chronicles of the Sword, i just cant stop playing that its soo much fun ^^
there is also another Expansion in which you have to do a Quest to get the "Crusader" gear which is very good for low levels and during the Shivering Isles unless you have completed the main storyline..
about 2 months ago actually, damn cat got in my way xD when was the last time you were worrying about your Personal Image?
well sorry if my grammar isn't perfect, and i read plenty of books thank you, i have over 20 shelves of books all with different genres (Fiction, Non-Fiction, Biographies etc) and i am rarely on my computer although i am on more then usual since i am OFF of school for 6 weeks and i have absolutely F all to do. Especially since my Xbox 360 just got THE RING OF DEATH in the middle of "Guitar Hero 2" Jordan on Expert, im stuck in a house for 6 weeks, my consoles are broken/ unusable and all the games i have on my computer get boring after 5 minutes YOU try and find something to do!
@ Dasmascus: yes you do, every man can be broken down and NO @ the people who got confused: yes, if you got confused by that then you ARE wasting your wisdom and should get it back by reading and less time staring at a computer screen @ the pictures: keep em comin people! the monster must feed!
most of the pictures still bring me back to Devil May Cry in a way or two.. apart from the 2nd Picture above, that one make sme think of the Anime Bleach, but its still very well done and continue to thrive if you wish ^^ *gives a golden cookie* thou hast earned it
wow... so many people and so much wisdom being wasted.. @ Damascus: to be honest, i wouldn't care if your picky or not, i'd find a way to get a boyfriend behind your back ^_- and if that fails ill just try the old Crying and saying " I Hate You " excuse for you to break down =P, i have my ways of making you talk
in my opinion, there are very well drawn and the first picture reminds me of Nero from Devil May Cry 4, the person behind him and the blade resemble such thing * the person being there after Devil Trigger is Activated*
Welcome to fRo and enjoy your stay ^^ Tbh, you look soo cute~~~~! in that military Outfit, wear it more often and put more pics of it please =P
Mindless Self Indulgence - Shut Me Up THEN Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife
Very wise and thanks for that comment Damascus... i really want to feel like you daughter >.>' seriously i do ^^ EDIT: Sorry, i had to put this here so Damascus would read it
Hello people, since ive begun playing a good game called Soul Calibur, i've founded a liking towards a following Character, Ivy Valentine, and as such i am requesting a Signature of her and the text should be: Ivy Valentine Picture: the Theme should be anything that will look good with her Outfit, if that is not good enough, i will get another Picture it should go Downwards, not the Traditional across please
its a new thing, many different Game types such as Destruction Mode : basically, a CS game, terrorists and counter terroists Deathmatch : Red Vs Blue in all out firepower ex Conquest: both teams are human and work together to capture 5 bases ( A - E ) and you slowly get WP to use your other Weapon styles and Wolf types, in Ex Conquest your 3 button is replaced with a Knife, and in Wolf mode again, you cannot use guns Wolf Conquest: same as Ex Conquest but with a twist, one team is Humans (Red) and one team is Wolves (Blue) and you cant change, again you earn WP to get better gun types and wolf status, the blue team can be as follow Standard: the Basic Wolf Form, what you use in any other Game type apart from Destruction Mode Power Type: the Basic type again but with a little bit more Strength and speed, Guardian: the Strongest but also the slowest of all the Wolves, it has over 700 Base Health +100 with every Roar/Howl you do Ghost: the Sneaky type, if you stay still for a certain amount of time, you turn invisible, but when you move it cancels, good for the Sneaky ninja types and Guarding Bases if you have played long enough and bought the "Ex-Item" 2nd Wolf Mutation you get these Wolf types Berserker Wolf: a Brute which its special attack is suicidal explosion, its Attack is so strong it can kill anyone with one Hit but at a cost of only one attack and its slow Rate of Fire *attack speed* Smart Wolf: the fastest and deadliest, but at a cut of not being able to Howl since of its mutation Shell and its lack of Health points, every wolf starts with 200 Health *disregarding the Guardian* and with a + of between 50 - 150, depending on your class, the Smart Wolf starts with 160 base health with a +60 - 100 All Wolves *unlike Humans* can do the following: Run across Walls, Attack while in the air *Swoop Down attack*, and can regenerate health with the Roar/Howl, each wolf has a different Swoop down attack, and they are the following Standard: normal claw downwards Power: same as Standard but with a leg swoop at the end Guardian: there is none since they cannot jump Ghost: a Spin kick then a Claw down Berserker: basic Spear Thrust Smart: Suction spin slash * basically, sucks the opponent closer then comes down on them with all 4 claws in a Spinning Circle Formation* again, you may be thinking "What is this Ex-Item she's talking about?" well here goes, an Ex-Item is a basic Power up which will help you survive, there is a Re spawn time after you die and you are invulnerable for 3 seconds, you can reduce your Re spawn time and Increase your Invulnerability, also some people are sad enough to throw a grenade to the floor, blowing themselves up and hopefully you as well in the process, there is an Ex-Item that stops that from happening, you will no longer get hurt from your Grenades but are made more vulnerable against other players, there are many more which i haven't tried yet but will soon once i get the "Cash" points in game oh, there is two Currencies in this game "Gold" - the currency you earn after staying in a game till the end, it depends on your Kill/Death Ratio and your Rank. "Cash" - the currency you get after succeeding in a "Pride Battle", again it depends on your Kill/Death Ratio and your Rank. and a "Pride Battle" is basically a Clan vs another Clan in an all out killing blood fest, many lose to the legendary team of Europe the "ElphaTeam", me being part of "Dark GunnerZ" have lost to them quite a few times but have kept our K/D ratio and Win/Lose Ratio up high and getting our ranks up so we can soon kick their ass, if you have any Questions on anything i have discussed or if you are unsure about anything, ask and i promise i will get back to you within a 24Hr period, depending if im at work or not *EDIT: i know i make these things Lengthy but its for the Detail, if you dont want to read all of it fine, get the game and find it out for yourself*
to be honest, your all veery strange in Pictures and such, but your still kind *atleast some are* on the webs and it shouldn't matter about appearance, its what is on the inside that counts not how you look on the outside and DONT start it again Dama, just cause you like looking "fit" doesnt mean women will jump all over you for your looks, you need a personality and a kind soul aswell,
thanks for the comment on my eye make-up @ Kuoch: sorry, im too unloved and unwanted to marry @ DaftPunk!: thank you?
and thats good Icarus??
Heylo Everyone WolfTeam is basically a Counter Strike (CS) Spoof but with alot of changes, especially since you can be in Prides (Clans), have the ability to change into a Werewolf and have Challenges that *once suceeded* gives you either Weaponry to use for 3 weeks or a Coupon for 5k/10k etc of Gold, this is made by the people who also made Gunbound and Raikon, so Softynx also it is easier since hte maps are small, many ways to earn WP (Weapon Points) to afford other Combat types (Gun selections) you start off with 4 Gun types, a Standard which gives you +50 WP every time you select it and teh others take WP away since you need WP to use different gun types, WP2 is usually an upgrade of WP1 and WP3 usually has a shotgun, WP4 is for the Snipers out there, all come with a Primary gun(1), a Secondary gun(2), Werewolf(3) and Grenades(4) Also, Unlike Counter Strike, both teams are the same (unless your playing the Wolf Commando gametype in which one team is Humans and lose Werewolf form, and the others are Werewolf and unable to use guns) if they are balanced with equal players and all are the same rank, but that rarely happens due to Prides taking in new players, letting the new player kill them to get higher ranks and therefore, better guns to kill us with if you wish to join WolfTeam then please feel free to tell me via PM on here or a Chat inside the game *Character name is Silvercat of the clan Dark GunnerZ*
my favorite games were the following: Sonic the Hedgehog *have to love him* Shinobi Chrono Trigger Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, Online, XII Mario Brothers Conker Live and Reloaded *cause its funny as hell* Guitar Hero 2 + 3
hey, i like my hair being like that, dont diss or ill get Mr Fibbles!
*lost because had no tea and no sleep O.o* heylo again my friendies *and Damascus* its time to give you a picture of me that is RECENT and not damn black + white Here i am ME ^^: ignore the Bow, i dont know why i had that in
...funny but still sick in my case
lol, Sporeggar is known for its good RP and somewhat collective and excellent PvP and PvE, sure we dont have any good Hardcore PvPers but meh, we just love RPing you still got it wrong Paladins are known as the following Paladin, Healadin,Bubbledin,hearthadin, hammerdin
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