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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Blaze

  1. Blaze

    Emy's Gallery

    very nice Emy, gives sort of a Mermaid theme aswell as the Staff making the Character look like a Mage or Wizard of some sort. Keep em comin! <3!
  2. Nice work ^^ thanks, ill try to scavange some things up to give to you soon <3
  3. its alright if you cant do it, it was just a little too far, ignore the Fireball, just put my name in it if the Fireball doesnt work <3
  4. also Yeung, would it be possible to make a Toshiro Hitsugaya Avatar? Same colors as before, Red eyes etc. etc. with just a fireball resembling a Blaze *my name*
  5. Blaze

    Resident Evil 4

    Birkin isnt the best Tyrant, they ruined it by making him turn into a giant Dog, i think the hardest Tyrant is either Resident Evil Directors Cut or RE3 Nemesis since the Tentacles hit you no matter what. anyways new topic, RE5! whos gonna get it when it comes out? oh and did you know that black people thought it was racist cause tis a white guy killing black people in Africa, now they've dropped the case since one white girl dies in it, so the ratio to death White:Black is like 1:100000000 so yeah, have fun killing things that run and can survive a shot to the head *glitch they cant be fucked to Solve* only good thing is that your Chris Redfield and you have a Machete
  6. Blaze

    Mario! ;D

    the worst game for Mario is Super Mario Sunshine, it was just an aimless Waste that the japanese tried to get us to help the Environment which is just aimlessly retarded, we do care, its just we cant do anything sicne we need everything thats under our feet so...
  7. thank you, my mate did it for me and i had to pay him about 40 - 50 Pounds Sterling for it, the Avatar i just got from Google and he does kill him, the 3rd Round when Inoue gets stolen, Ichigo realizes that Inoue wants him to live so he just fights with all he can and runs Grimmjow through the heart, then Grimmjow dies then Ichigo collapses and Inoue takes him and the rest back to the Real world, Ichigo falls into a Comotose State and she begins to cry, it ends with Inoue moving in to kiss Ichigo before saying "to be continued" so we dont know untill they bring Season 9 out *which they have slightly* but im not that far, i need to keep on watching *EDIT* also, Yeung, would it be possible for a Hitsugaya Signature? Toshiro Hitsugaya is his full name, Black and White apart from his Eyes which should be Red if you please ^^
  8. Kusangi, i have seen the Latest episodes and that ISNT Hollow Ichigo, thats Ichigo the VIZARD and he kills Grimmjow while in that State, DONT test me on Bleach -_^ *EDIT* My Signiture is Ichigo the Vizard close up while my Avatar is how he uses the Vizard Power by clenching his fist infront of his face, making a large amount of Spirit Energy explode around him, forcing him into Bankai and into Hollow Form !!!SPOILER!!! for all of you that WATCH Bleach, the White version of him, people call him Ichigo's Inner Hollow, sure it is but its also Zangetsu
  9. ...no comment on the dog picture
  10. Blaze

    GFX Request

    Ignore this Thread, i changed my Mind.
  11. Blaze

    Free monster artwork

    i actually want a Valkyrie to be honest, would it be too much to ask for you to draw me one? <3?
  12. Blaze

    This or that

    Lazy Bum since im too stupid to know what the other one is... Christian or Protestant?
  13. Blaze

    Free monster artwork

    nobody is better then anybody, everyone has their own way of Drawing.
  14. Blaze

    My Drawings

    ok, as Promised here are the two pictures, sadly i cant draw Male Warriors so i had to try it Femalewise and WITHOUT a full helmet on, see if im good via. Face, i have a Male Rogue without the Face helmet and i did pretty good, i took the faces from the Human side of WoW Female Warrior Male Rogue *spent most of my time on this* your Comments may be Appreciated *EDIT* the Female i did it as my School Artwork hence why its so big, the Male Rogue was mostly a Sketch on the back of my Sciences book since we had a Sub for both lessons hence nobody did anything and the Subs just got annoied Also, the Female i have worked on quite long ago since my Coursework started last year, i started it the start of this Acedemical year or atleast 2 weeks Beforehand and its not yet finished, i need to color it and add a background but that will take forever. once its finished i will TRY and post it back up in a Future Post but ill only get it back if i Pass which i doubt i will Also to add, i drew the Female with my Best hand and i drew the Male with my Right hand to see how good i was and, to be honest i did pretty well. the Rogue i spent a a Minimum of 1 Hour and a Maximum of 6 Hours, i lost a whole day of Academic LEarning but atleast i got it done.
  15. Blaze

    My Drawings

    Emy, ffs i suck at RO Pallies... besides WoW Pallies have better armor than RO, look at the paladin armor and if you say its better tehn the one Above, you have something wrong with you because the Paladin armor above has a Lore set behind it, does the RO suit do? Lore behind the Paladins Suit above: Suit Name: Armor of Judgement Lore: this armor was Personally made and used for the Argent Champion who used the only weapon capable of killing the Lich King's Forces, its name? The Ashbringer, the Armor was created from the Ashes of the Scourge and forged to show Moral and Good Hope towards its Allies and to show Destruction and Affliction towards its Enemies, it was soon mass Produced and placed as "The Holy Warriors" Set before The Argent Champion was run through by his own sword AND by his Son who wanted the Ashbringer but was not pure of heart and therefore, killed and became one of the Lich Kings Elites, a Death Knight.. using the Ashbringer in its Corrupt state he went with the Scourge at the Frotnt Lines, hoping to kill the Alliance and The Horde and wipe out everything off of the face of Azeroth... untill now when the Death Knight was able to break free from his Grasp and has sworn himself to help the ALliance or Horde *depending on your race* to kill The lich King *EDIT* ignore the Choice thing, ive decided to draw both, ill put them up tomorrow after i finish them and hopefully get better from my Painful Chesty Cough
  16. Blaze

    My Drawings

    thanks Quantum ^^ anyways, here's my Promise, my Computer Drawn Paladin! like i said, the coloring may be a bit edgy since i stayed up till 2AM to finish it, hope you like it, ill try to draw it again with a different Armor set or maybe ill draw a Rogue i dunno *CHOICE!* which do you want me to Draw? Rogue or Warrior Days to vote: 5
  17. Blaze

    My Drawings

    not really.. i only do WoW drawings since i suck at RO characters...
  18. Blaze

    My Drawings

    i can try and Draw a Paladin, it wont look much different though since a Death Knight is basically a Corrupt Paladin but meh ill have a shot @Aso: Siggy? if you mean Signiture then thanks, if you mean Siggy is some other sense, please specify *EDIT!* ok, i drew A Paladin in its 2nd Raid Tier set, it took me very long, the quick Sketch didnt take me long but then the problems came with touching it up with Colors on the Computer, the coloring may be a little bit off of where its supposed to be but that was because i stayed up untill 2AM to do this and i wont be revealing Said picture untill i get back from school tomorrow since Imageshack is being a *bad word* on my Computer
  19. i've found this picture and im unsure who made it and it looks like a Techno type Version.
  20. im sorry, it just looks like its Self-Drawn and i know Nitemare, everyone has different Styles but i was asking him to talk to you to get Ideas for Later Use.
  21. Blaze

    My Drawings

    Hey everyone, this is going to be where i post my Most recent drawings of anything first is my creation after being influenced by sonic the hedgehog his name is Raziel Second was Inspired by the new Hero Class to World of Warcraft and that is the Death Knight Opinions anyone?
  22. Blaze


    Chapter 122? theres only 8 - 9 Chapters, i think you mean EPISODE 122
  23. Blaze

    Davee's GFX Works!

    Draenei = Ghey, B elf FTW! 1st ever char was a B elf paladin and now im a B elf Rogue, just hit 46 after being Hacked and deleted all my 70s -_\\\
  24. Blaze


    meh, the best ive seen is only when Ichigo is in Bankai Form. the fight with the Bounto and with Byakuya Kuchiki, thats all that is good *that i've seen i'm only on the last Episode of Season 4*
  25. played it, completed it, it has been out for Ages...
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