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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Blaze

  1. that wasnt Sarcasm Dario, that was Plain truth
  2. Blaze

    HELP ME!!!!!!

    you need to be 100/50 then you go Rebirth then just travel through the ranks again and BOOM SinX
  3. do we need to go through this on every thread? whats Past is Past, if you want to talk about it and somewhat come to a settlement talk to me on MSN
  4. im not Wierd Flush, every woman thinks that their ugly, thats what Plastic Surgeons are for, the women with 0 Willpower take the easy way out and look like sluts i think im ugly yet im told eveyday that im not, so tomorow im gonna put my pic up *i cant atm, im on my Dads PC* and then ill see who likes me and who doesnt
  5. thanks for the Comment Yusuke, but still i dont think 1 persons opinion changes anything
  6. even though im strange in more ways then 1 i think ur smexy =P i'd love to meet you in a dark alley any day *wink wink* XD cant wait to see me can you guys? Tip to guys: Dont Fap unless you want to lol *i think im actually ugly but meh*
  7. then yeah, thats gay
  8. its not gay if its a guy slapping a girls ass, thats just perverted but if its a girl slapping a guys ass that means something
  9. hello Dario, ^^

  10. i guess you all want to see me huh? well ok, but im afraid you have to wait, i have alot of Anime and Sonic pictures so it's gonna take a while to find my pic ill Edit the post tomorrow if i find it EDIT 1: all i can say at this time is that i wear what the girl in this picture does, and have the same hairstyle but my hairs blonde and i have blue eyes *and i do that with a 360 Controller in some Pics AND i have a tattoo like that in shape but different in whats on it if you get my meaning xD*
  11. Blaze


    Welcome to fRo Yuugi *you know who i am from game* hope you enjoy it and make alot of friendies hope to see you online ^^,
  12. 16 going on 3 here xD
  13. wow... the Perverted side of men finally shows on a not so peaceful forum such as this, im suprised it stayed in untill now
  14. Blaze

    Short Stories

    as the Title says, this is for Little stories that people *who actually like writing* want to post one of their little Stories sadly, i dont have one at the moment but i will soon enough, EDIT!: ok, heres mine, please note that this is a Descriptive type short story, describing the surroundings of a young boy whom his entire family line *cousins, grandparents the lot* have been killed "The roar of the Sea as it clashes into the ragged edges of the cliffs, wearing it downlike a sculptor, smoothing the rough clay into a crackless surface, The dismal, dark sky, shrouding the sun from the cliffside as a young, cold, hurt boy stands there, holding a Silver shaped pendant, rough and worn by the looks but smooth and silky to the touch. the bright, joyful sun continues to fight its way through the Dark shroud that envelops the cliffside, the Young boy, standing there as cold hearted, depressing tears fall from his pale, soft cheeks. The cold, sharp wind brushes his cheeks like a cold steel blade brushes a Soldiers skin, wiping the burdened tears from his cheeks and making them soar high into the sky as the boy releases the Silver pendant, as it falls slowly and spinning, the Pendant splits into two just as it hits the roaring blades of the sea, once the pendant reaches the dark, dismal Seabed we can finally see what was hidden in the Heart Shaped Silver Pendant "I love you..." Signed by the deceased Familyline, the Seabed is suddenly ambushed by a Red tinge as the boy hits the sharp pointing blades of the Earthmother, as he sinks slowly, ever so slowly, to the seabed. he is finally reunited with his deceased and lives with them high in the sky, where the Sun roars brightly and Depression is nothing to these folk, all is Joyful in that Desired, peaceful land..." yes i know its a bit depressing and emo but thats what i write, if you dont like it then tough luck, BUMP!: cmon people i want to read your short stories
  15. if you moan about writing a little bit like that then you either have 1 of 2 things 1. a more complex brain 2. mental problems *no offense but the Qs were Easy*
  16. Blaze


    *aimless Language i dont know* TIP!: if you dont know what people are saying just Smile, Nod and say yeah a couple of times @ Damascus' Sig, very nice but its hard to see the backrground picture in the Signature *although it may be my Screen, its did this alot* 10/10*if its my pc*
  17. again Welcome and d/w about Damascus, he's cool but sometimes he has his moments when he goes off Topic and begins to fight with people and to add to the Country thing im glad i live in the United Kingdom, ^^
  18. Blaze

    Top 10 SinX's

    if we were going by rank i wouldn't even be in the 100s because i suck at SinX but its enjoyable so thats all i care about ^^
  19. heh, welcome to fRo and hope you like it here ^^
  20. Hope, read his post carefully he said FREE one
  21. lol nice name xD
  22. its your Choice damascus, if you want me to rate your work i will * knowing im a major sonic fan i know whats what and what colors mix and so on,* anywyas, its like midnight here n i need to get some sleep, got school tomorrow G'night guys
  23. most probally all the people who are just impatient and keep on asking for money and items, they piss me off seriously...
  24. lol, all that work for a picture that makes you look like one of two things your not 1. a guy 2. lesbian
  25. guys, stop damn fighting!
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