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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Blaze

  1. i hate my damn braces, they're really beginning to piss me off Dx
  2. wow, nobody really cares if i love Sonic xD
  3. Blaze

    Who likes Sonic?

    meh, Shadow is too evil for my liking, im more attracted to Blaze and Silver the Hedgehog, they're both set out to kill SOnic because he's the one that has caused problems into the human world Silver tries to kill him, Blaize just sacrifices herself to calm teh earth down and make everything normal
  4. oh em gee, Damascus, the 2nd in command of the Grammer Corp MISSPELLED A WORD! THE WORLD IS GOING TO END DX lol
  5. Blaze

    Who likes Sonic?

    if you play Sonic Heroes they're back the Robot is Omega with Shadow and Rogue in Team Dark and Big the Cat is with Amy and Cream in Team Amy
  6. omg, guys this is a Sonic character thread NOT an annoying bitchy thread STAY ON TOPIC + the one with Evil sonic got me thinking so i whipped up Demon Shadow
  7. Blaze

    Who likes Sonic?

    the Old Classical Sonic are fun but the newer games are bringing in new characters and new enemies and its making it harder for players, sure i like playing Oldies time and again but the newer ones are easier to get addicted to, esecially since your running around a Human town as Sonic
  8. Heya Gen, how ya been? i know that your a GM on fRo and im not but that doesnt mean we cant have a friendly chat right? ^^ hope we can talk more and get to know each other, and be real good friends ^^


  9. Bump! CMON PEOPLE! dont leave this Thread as a Dead one =(
  10. omg, why did you add the 13th point? maan, *sigh* i cba to write it all againn Most active is LadyOrahime
  11. cool, cant wait to see your Handywork ^^ * hopefully soon cause im not feeling too gd atm n i need some cheering up*

  12. Blaze

    Who likes Sonic?

    seems theres a Fair amount of sonic lovers ^^ BUT I NEED MORE PPL EDIT!: Dexters Laboratory, Speed Racer and the Jetsons SUCK compared to the Sonic shows + the Sonic games
  13. Blaze

    Kids names.

    if it was a boy then Jack or Benjamin if it was a girl then Alice or Beth
  14. Blaze

    This or that

    Salt FTW! Cat or Dog?
  15. lol Arcane, your more known then me so most likely nobody should give two ****s what i say xD
  16. i havent got GTB and yet i win every time =P thx to my +10 Daggers and i havent even got Forsaken elite yet, My daggers +10 Main Gauche : Incant, TG, Golden, phree +10 Main Gauche : TG, Hydra, hydra, Golden
  17. meh, i think all HWs are equal because they can all be 0wned by SinX >=D but they have advantages like WoE and PvP (without every melee class + ranged class )
  18. i really dont like showing my Picture on Forums or even MSN, especially took me a while to let Yusuke see me n that i regret xD lol j/k @Hrist, dont fap its not nice, especially over him he's ugly xD j/k
  19. so? it still doesn't amtter, it matters on how you feel about them and if face to face if you like his/her personality
  20. Blaze

    Who likes Sonic?

    Hello, i started this Thread because im curious if anybod ylikes the Childhood Hero whos blue and speedy, Sonic the Hedgehog, i want to know who likes Sonic + all of his friends ( if so please Specify ) if you dont like them give a reason why also, if you have any idea on a Sonic couple for Example, Knuckles and Tikal both Enchidas please say Ill start, i love Sonic the Hedgehog because its funny and cool and i think that Silver the hedgehog * From the Xbox360 game Sonic The Hedgehog * and Blaze the Cat * From Sonic Rush * are a great couple, ignoring the fact that they're different races it doesnt matter, if you've played Sonic on the 360 you'd know why i like these two ^^
  21. lol, nice pictures Some funny some wierd some smexy xD
  22. Heya Hrist ^^ how's life been?

  23. Hey everyone, while i was browsing the Tinternet i found this Character Designer in which you can make it look like someone from the Anime and Game series Sonic, aswell as your own versions and i want you lot to make your own and post a picture of it in here and you need to make atleast 1 of the pre-made characters ( sonic, shadow etc. ) untill they're all used once to start The URL : <a href="http://www.playagame.ws/games/Adventure+games/Sonic+Character+Creator.html" target="_blank">http://www.playagame.ws/games/Adventure+ga...er+Creator.html</a> the URL to post the Picture : <a href="http://www.imageshack.us/" target="_blank">http://www.imageshack.us/</a> here i go! Sonic my own version of Dark Super Sonic hope you like them and Create, Create, Create!
  24. in my opinion that desktop looks a little pervy, because of the Succubus and the Ninja, close up of teh Ninja's breasts and the Succubus' Ass EDIT!: i decided to change my background to go with my Sonic Theme because Bleach is now getting rather boring
  25. Walshy stop being so damn negative, Great vid n i hope you two stay together for as long as possible ^^ doesn't matter about age, it matters about how you feel for each other men... *sigh* always think about looks instead of Personality
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