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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. This next expansion is going to be pretty sweet. I don't want to oversell it but I am VERY excited about it!!

  2. People are just trying to get their points across. This is what every single one of you is trying to do. However, lets try and do this respectfully. Specially considering we are on on the same team here. We are all trying to improve the server in anyway we can. Its human nature to think we are always right, I understand that. However, lets hear people out, they might provide an alternative point of view that could bring insight into the discussion. Changes can be tested. If they work, they stay. if they don't, they get removed. Nothing is written in stone. So please, let people voice their opinions. Then voice yours. We want to hear everyone's opinion. However, do not simply shut someone down, explain why you think otherwise in a respectful manner.
  3. Nope I don't have a kid.

  4. Genesis

    Tao Card

    I think most people were against that because SinX does so much damage as it stands.
  5. Genesis

    Tao Card

    For those wondering, here are the effects prior to the fix: 1. Gypsy/Bard - 80% 2. Stalker - 80% 3. Professor/Wizard - 90% 4. Gunslinger - 90% 5. Star Gladiator - 60% 6. Super Novice Max HP + 70,000 and 90% @Forum~ Super Novices are a joke, I wouldn't worry too much about that.
  6. Genesis

    Tao Fix

    Could you copy/paste this into the suggestion forum? I'll go ahead and close this topic.
  7. Genesis

    Tao Fix

    It still needs to be in the suggestion forum. It allows us to log all changes and gives people a chance to voice their opinions. Despite the fact that it has been ingame for a while, it is a pretty big change. I think people should have the option to agree or disagree. Specially since the effects it had were never agreed upon by the community. Gypsy/Bards weren't suppose to get the bonuses ever so that's problematic, specially with their abilities and how easily they can be spammed. Same goes for stalker. This is why I am insisting on the topic. =]
  8. Genesis

    Tao Fix

    Well, no one suggested to fix the bug because they either didn't realize it or they didn't want to hinder the class they played. When I realized this bug I didn't know whether it was something that was created recently or if it was something that had been here a while. I just knew it was a bug and it needed to be fixed. I don't think we would have a problem changing it back (note, you are going to need to suggest percentages because they were all over the place) for certain classes. Where it stood (past tense), it gave the bonus to the following classes: 1. Gypsy/Bard - 80% 2. Stalker - 80% 3. Professor/Wizard - 90% 4. Gunslinger - 90% 5. Star Gladiator - 60% 6. Super Novice Max HP + 70,000 and 90% Please note this is without any other sort of bonus (excluding things like Forsaken King Armor, Valkyrie Weapons, etc). Gypsy/Bard/Stalker do not need such a large HP boost, specially with the Valkyrie Weapons. I base myself off what I have seen in PvP. However, this is something you guys would need to debate among yourselves. I ordered a new monitor today, because my old one was having trouble. Once it gets here (a few days) I plan to blaze through the to-do list for the next update. If you guys made a topic in the Suggestion forum today, I should be able to implement any accepted changes with that update (or possibly sooner). Feel free to base yourself off the stuff I posted above, this was the effect of the card before it was fixed.
  9. You should be able to download all of those from http://www.dll-files.com/ it will most likely be a few .dll files.
  10. Genesis

    Tao Fix

    You could make a suggestion about it. Wizard aren't exactly powerhouses so I don't think anyone would object to that. The best way to explain the bug is that it was giving 30% + whatever the bonus was. For example, if it was suppose to give you 60%, it would give you 90% ( 60 + 30). Clasees that didn't get any sort of extra bonus (like Assassin Cross) were unaffected. I don't want to point fingers but I asked a certain person to test this, I was told it was fully functional (kind of a hard thing to miss don't you think?). I code things, this person tests it in detail after my rough testing. I can't do it all. I sincerely apologize for this issue, I'm sure a lot of people are upset about it but it was indeed a bug.
  11. Genesis

    Tao Fix

    Certain classes were receiving over 100%. It wasn't a nerf at all, just a very serious bug that was fixed.
  12. Genesis


    http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=macro+keyboard&x=0&y=0 Those are macro keyboards. I myself have the Razer Lycosa. Had it for over 2 years, works great. There are a number of cheaper and more expensive ones as well.
  13. It isn't down. I've been on for 48 hours straight. 286 people on right now.
  14. Mob spawn time didn't change. Also, farming as never really been fun to begin with. I picked this map because it worked with the mining system and because it was big. If we ever needed to expand (i.e. add more mobs) we could just add more mob spawns and be done with it. With a larger map like the one we have now, multiple people can be in there at the same time without bothering one another. Please suggest a percentage increase in spawn times as well as another map if you still want this done. PS: We could add new permanent hat quests and I do believe those hats stacked with for_dun01 drops too
  15. There is a Forsaken Kafra NPC inside the Guild Hideout. Doesn't that provide all of these services?
  16. As I've said before multiple times, stop complaining. I am not here to babysit anyone. I am not here to comfort you as you complain. I am not here to be the bad guy. I am not here to solve all of your problems. I am here to administrate this RO server and implement the changes I, and the higher-ups, believe to better the server. We base our decisions on our personal experience, and what the community thinks of the issue. We do not base ourselves solely on what players think, after all some of them are out to better themselves and not the game. However, their voices can serve to present an alternative perspective. This can sometimes be a game changer. As I told you ingame, broadcasting about this isn't going to help your case. Insulting ("ohh wait that would even further increase the imbalance between classes since nothing is being done anyway." ) me and my work certainly won't either. In fact, it downright pisses me off. Which, in case you didn't know, doesn't help your case either. Your post doesn't provide any alternative, you do not provide effects that can serve to "balance out" the classes. An example of this is "new WS wep is ehh should get nerfed a bit though". How is that constructive. You need to base your assumptions on solid facts (i.e. damage outputs). If you do not have access to the weapons, ask a friend. If you do not have friends, then use pen and paper to calculate damage outputs (I use to do it all the time). Without these things, all of this is in the air and subject to interpretation. Your entire last paragraph is just ranting providing absolutely no alternative or solution to these perceived problems. What "bet" are you referring to. That most people will say no to this? Of course they will, no one wants their classes to lose power. That is why YOU need to convince ME that they are wrong and explain why with PROOF (again, damage outputs or thinks of the sort). Without these changes to your suggestion, there is not much we can do. We are not Skynet. We cannot take your complaints and magically produce a solution that will resolve these issues. This is why the suggestion forum is here to begin with. To allow the community to voice THEIR opinion on changes. @Nines everyone has a voice here. Just like you like to spend your time in for_fild01 complaining about me (the "idiot" as you nicknamed me) this person also has that right to voice their opinion and suggest changes.
  17. The Vote Center is being rewritten. I do not want to rush the developer who is doing it as to prevent any sort of errors. It should be done soon, hopefully in the next few days. To make up for the downtime, we will offer twice the rewards for the amount of time it was down. Basically, you'd be where you normally would be had it not been down.
  18. Hey, Elite gear should be changed. When we look at suggestions, we do not simply look at what people say (since most are just after their own interests). We also look at the reasons why they say the things they say. After all, we want to make the server better for everyone, not just a small group of people.
  19. Genesis


    Just wanted to correct something, you error when someone disguises as something not on your client. If it wasn't added to the server, you wouldn't be able to disguise as it. It would just say "try another ID".
  20. Sure, what do you mean by "they aren't implemented"? The effect doesn't work?
  21. No one does PvP Ladder because the same wings have been in place since it was enabled for the most part. That's 2 years, everyone has them so no one is going to really want to do it for wings they already have. New colors would probably change that. I don't know about adding another set however. I've always been against topping things that are already established. However, the difficulties of the times we live in have called for them. Weapons are sold for $30, or 300 coupons. 1 coupon is not worth the same it is in real currency, its worth much less. Therefore, Valkyrie Weapons should be cheaper than 300 coupons ingame. Problem is, people who have them, overprice them. Also, stop complaining "Classes on this server need to be nerfed to create balance instead of the half-@ssed attempt to make each class stronger than the last." Who are you to call them "half-@ssed". Do you code them? No. Do you add them? No. Do you test them? No. Last thing I want to do is hear you/anyone else complaining. This isn't a daycare, if you have changes you think would improve the game, then suggest them. If the rest of the community agrees, then they will be added. If you don't, then you have nothing to contribute.
  22. Level 5 SC does not do more damage than level 1.
  23. Welcome Mr Wiki. =] Red Glasses are obtainable ingame, so is Captain's hat (activity rewards).
  24. First, Hi Mr Wiki, welcome! If you have any questions feel free to PM/add my contacts. I tend and respond quickly. :) Now, on to your questions. 1. Tokens are the driving force of the economy. We aren't zeny based (although zeny has started to play a more important role). 2. Yes, it's based on tokens. These can be obtained through events, trading or donating. 3. The economy is also based on custom items as well as tokens. Specifically, hard to do quest items, elite, MvP cards and woe drops. 4. The current economy is a tad bit inflated. We have just implemented a number of new concepts that plan to ease this inflation pretty nicely and gradually. There is much more of that to come and it will help new players. I'd say right now its in between your two points. Most people here got their items without donating. This was done with hard work, trading, befriending people, events or just being in one of the major guilds (which pay salaries). 5. Yes, they are indeed of value. Because MvPs spawn at regular official times, they are sold ingame for tokens and other items. MvP/Mini drop at 10%. Thanatos drops at 0.01%. Elus/Oris aren't particularly valuable because they drop often and are sold by the refiner.
  25. Genesis


    I'd like to get some feedback from the community on this. This is definitely doable scripting wise.
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