As I've said before multiple times, stop complaining. I am not here to babysit anyone. I am not here to comfort you as you complain. I am not here to be the bad guy. I am not here to solve all of your problems. I am here to administrate this RO server and implement the changes I, and the higher-ups, believe to better the server. We base our decisions on our personal experience, and what the community thinks of the issue. We do not base ourselves solely on what players think, after all some of them are out to better themselves and not the game. However, their voices can serve to present an alternative perspective. This can sometimes be a game changer. As I told you ingame, broadcasting about this isn't going to help your case. Insulting ("ohh wait that would even further increase the imbalance between classes since nothing is being done anyway." ) me and my work certainly won't either. In fact, it downright pisses me off. Which, in case you didn't know, doesn't help your case either. Your post doesn't provide any alternative, you do not provide effects that can serve to "balance out" the classes. An example of this is "new WS wep is ehh should get nerfed a bit though". How is that constructive. You need to base your assumptions on solid facts (i.e. damage outputs). If you do not have access to the weapons, ask a friend. If you do not have friends, then use pen and paper to calculate damage outputs (I use to do it all the time). Without these things, all of this is in the air and subject to interpretation. Your entire last paragraph is just ranting providing absolutely no alternative or solution to these perceived problems. What "bet" are you referring to. That most people will say no to this? Of course they will, no one wants their classes to lose power. That is why YOU need to convince ME that they are wrong and explain why with PROOF (again, damage outputs or thinks of the sort). Without these changes to your suggestion, there is not much we can do. We are not Skynet. We cannot take your complaints and magically produce a solution that will resolve these issues. This is why the suggestion forum is here to begin with. To allow the community to voice THEIR opinion on changes.
@Nines everyone has a voice here. Just like you like to spend your time in for_fild01 complaining about me (the "idiot" as you nicknamed me) this person also has that right to voice their opinion and suggest changes.