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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. Adding it to my list now. :)
  2. It is based on a timer. To my knowledge, there is no way to stop or continue it depending on map. :(
  3. If possible, please file a bug report, we will fix it asap!
  4. You should be all set now. We say 24-48 hours from when you place the order but in reality, it is much less. I hand orders out 9~11 AM and 9~11 PM everyday. Please note, if there is an issue with the order, we will sent you an email to the address you used to place the order to keep an eye out if you haven't gotten your items!
  5. You either have the pass or you don't. The NPC takes all the items before givign you the pass instantly. If you do have the pass, you will find it in your inventory under "item." All you need to do is double click the pass and it'll warp you to the forsaken dungeon. if you have any further issues, feel free to message me on skype at jorgeluisf350. :)
  6. Try this: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/32736-english-technical-support-tutorial/#whitescreenfixnewwin It is more than likely a permission issue. Otherwise, a quick restart has been known to fix that issue! If you run into any further issue, feel free to message me on skype at jorgeluisf350 :)
  7. Hi, Please use setup.exe, not open setup. Also, give this a shot if the resolutions don't pop up: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/32736-english-technical-support-tutorial/#whitescreenfixnewwin If you run into any further issue, feel free to message me on skype at jorgeluisf350 :)
  8. This is just a result of being able to zoom out fast where RO limits are. Just scroll in and it should be fixed! If you run into any further issue, feel free to message me on skype at jorgeluisf350 :)
  9. This is a separate issue but i will answer it for you anyways. The reason this is happening is because when downloading, the exe got corrupted. Try redownloading it.
  10. Hi, What operating system are you using? Anything past XP you should be able to just look for "fkenro.exe" and it'll come up. If you are still having issues, you might try reinstalling the game. You can also feel free to message me on skype at jorgeluisf350.
  11. Send an email to [email protected] We will send you the instructions for western union. The exchange rate is 50 php to 1 usd.
  12. I don't understand the question. When you make a BDO deposit, they have to provide you a slip with the confirmation.
  13. The exchange rate depends on the method you plan to donate. If you are doing a BDO bank deposit it is: For Manila Customers Total Amount $ x 50 + 50 = amount to be deposited For Provincial Customers Total Amount $ x 50 + 100 = amount to be deposited Confirmation email is just that, a confirmation for your records of your order.
  14. Having me on Skype isn't a right. It says the time of the person you are messaging right next to their name. If you call that person 3~4 times at 4 AM, do not expect a warm welcome. I set my skype to Do not Disturb after your first batch of calls, yet you continued to call even after that to I blocked you, simple as that.
  15. 1. More than likely latency. The server is hosted in Texas, you are in the Dominican Republic. You should not really be having latency issues. I would run a tracert to see what hop is having the issue. 2. You should be using setup.exe, full screen does not work for RO on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10. 3. Run the fkenro.exe and the ForsakenRO Patcher.exe in administrative mode, that should resolve this issue. None of what you have listed is an issue on our end. They come with playing a 15 year old game on modern hardware and software. if you have any further questions, feel free to message me on skype at jorgeluisf350.
  16. Genesis

    Download Error

    What version of windows are you running? Please try redownloadint it, it should work.
  17. The effect has been changed, refer to the latest update.
  18. It is currently two handed. However, as always, we are looking for player feedback on any changes we do. :)
  19. Please send me the file again, I no longer have it. At some point, I planned to add this ingame. I just can't find a purpose for it. Also, you don't have the rights to the rainbow emp so you can't really be distributing the spr and act to anyone.
  20. https://forsaken-ro.net/dllfiles.zip should have them. You are better off just downloading the all-in-one though. Primarily because if you are missing blink32 you are missing essential core files.
  21. Try entering the specific item id.
  22. I wasn't directing it towards you, I was just saying in general its unproductive. :) Lets get back on topic so we can roll out new changes asap!
  23. Again, we test things thoroughly before releasing them. The data we can gather from testing it on the test server is very limited. This is why when we have a preliminary effect, we release it on the live server and allow players to give us feedback. Anyone who says "you should have tested it" again is going to get banned, because its getting on my nerves. Moving on to the topic at hand, I am seeing a lot of people say "+1" or "I agree" but not actively providing specific suggestions. A few of you have stated why you think the rings should be buffed. However, please include your suggested effect changes so we can consider them, discuss them and test them.
  24. For the record, the "beta" server (which I assume you are referring to the test server) is for testing technical issues and preliminary balancing issues. There are never more than 3 people on the test server. The information we gather on the test server in a week is equal to what we can gather on the live server is a few hours. No one forced you to do the quest or ask people to buy the items for you. We blatantly told you when we released these items that they would be changed. The "beta server" served its purpose. It is not our fault you did not head our warning.
  25. Hey guys, Several players have reported some scammer going around trying to trick people into giving them their account information or sending them money. We will never ask you for either. We are currently not looking for any new GMs. If you are invited into a chatroom, take a look at the user list for the members of the chatroom. If a GM is not in the user list, he is not in the chatroom. What the scammer is doing is talking, then using spaces to make it appear as if a GM (or GMs) is talking. Attached is an example. The scammer used an account he scammed to try and try players. This scammer attempted to scam Ares (yes GM Ares) on his GM. I guess the scammer isn't too smart. Anyways, thanks for reading and please remember to report these scammers via the ticket system.. I apologize for the incovinience this may cause. Stay tuned, we are working on more improvements and additions to the server! :) Thanks! Jorge
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