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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Bishop

  1. Using maximum power thrust nearly doubles the damage Edu. Without that you wont be dishing out proper damage and thats way bigger than a 3k difference. :mellow:
  2. Why would you use 2 kiels ? You need to have a maya purple on you at all times, Fsoldier maybe ? When you are using MAGIC ? As a magic stalker you're far less vurnerable with 3 headgear cards than a clown or any other class that does need to damage through physical hits and can be stoned. As said before, using the helm gives you more potential. Live with the downsides like all other jobs have to do when they use different hats to get their full potential.A 3 kiel spam on AD on a gtb user will do decent damage. This is the exact same thing creators have to live with as well, FCP and GR that is. You dont have to switch stats every second, you can switch skills around or find a HYBRID build instead of fully focussing on magic and then find it weird people use gtb. Dex stalkers dont have that problem because they use their own skill three to the full potential. They will use that double strafe and combo it with a different skill. Going for the magic tour is YOUR decision it's not "Something you have to go through". By going magic you increase your damage output but you also increase the chance of being countered. To work around this you can try using acid demo or stave crasher OR use a hybrid build and be able to switch to bow to DS. (The dex will give you a lot of aspd when wearing the bow, needing less agi for aspd. high dex, high int , medium vit, low agi and you should be able to have a fine hybrid build.) Also considering your low HP and defence... Can I remind you that stalkers have higher HP than creators and quite some other classes ? Last of all. Stalkers have just as much chance vs gtbers as all magic classes have (if not more). so personally I see no reason to buff up stalkers because of that. Hence my opinion. I'll leave this as my last post here cause we can probably argue on forever which doesn't really have any use :O, Bishop
  3. Bishop


    By turning off the sleep mode when you close it ? o__o but there'd be no difference between leaving it open and closing it while afking..
  4. I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with this suggestion as well. Stalkers already have countless of possibilities with their ability to copy spells and their given headgears. There's several other classes as well that are reduced to 3 headgear slots to be able to get their full potential. Just because stalkers have to do that as well they deserve a boost ? I don't get your point. A default magic build would be pretty much the same as a default acid demonstration build.... Copy AD. Use cold bolt from the helm and you wouldn't even need to get the "Half-half not good at both" kind of build. And you should remember one thing. Stalkers are supposed to be jack of all traits, master of none. Dont expect to overpower creators in their AD or wizards in their magic spells. Wizards and Creators are given those boosts because they solely depend on those skills. While stalkers have possibilities to switch build and/or skills.
  5. Honestly, I think any class can afford to use dispell or 1 ifrit ring for the easiest solution of guagmire. quagmire even goes through gtb and renders CT completely useless. I dont think you can compare that to champ in any way. All they have to do is use gtb vs dispell and they can spam freely. Asura does (and always will) do more damage than cart termination and can not be disabled as easy as CT. CT is supposed to be instant. Asura is supposed to have casting time.. Hence why CT should be faster.. I also disagree with your opinion that cartboost is the only skill required for CT.. I mean lets be honest here. Using cart termination without your full buffs won't get you anywhere close to decent damage. So the WS buffs are basically requirements for CT as well. I think 45-50k is fine damage. Snipers deal pretty much 3/4, if not the same damage in one focussed arrow strike, from miles away WITH the ability to hit multiple targets for the same damage. And Focussed arrow strike can not be countered as easy as CT. So I say give it a try with the stated nerfs and boost CT up to 45-50k a hit on regular reductions (aka fshield with usakoring).
  6. Personally I was thinking about the 45k~50k mark as well. This skill SHOULD overpower most skills from other classes. Cause it requires close combat and many buffs to use, besides that there are easy workarounds against the skill. WS should be powerhouses close combat and be able to guard themselfs slightly in range combat with TT. However the question is how much % would have to be added to get up to this mark. I personally have no idea cause the 30% from oriental didn't seem to add anything serious before. These % boosts on CT are very hard to measure because adding x% of nearly nothing remains nearly nothing. This is all because everything scales with the higher rates except for CT because it's based on cart weight. Which stayed the same even though everything else got boosted by the stat increase. I also think boosting CT should not only be through the valk weapon (cause not everyone can afford it), I'd recommend giving part of the boost to the valk weapon and the other part to the master forger card. This way less 'rich' people gain a boost for their WS as well, which is needed cause without thor WS are quite weak.
  7. These numbers sound reasonable to me. It should make WS quite a big damage dealer short range while still having the disadvantages of all the rebuffing and distance. Tommahawk should still be usefull at a 1700% dmg increase. So I agree that these numbers are worth testing.
  8. O.O *munches on cupcake* Omnomnom!

  9. I can pretty much agree with both sides on this suggestion. Yes Whitesmiths play completely different than they should. Their main damage skill at this moment is throw tommahawk, which is indeed wrong. However Cart termination requires a HUGE amount of buffs and still doesn't do decent damage compared to other skills (like throw tomma) and nowhere near the damage output of other classes. And no recasting these buffs is not simply pushing a few buttons and done. Before you rebuffed completely and converted your weapon again you're dispelled again. The way I see it : 1 Remove the ability to cast pneuma. Add autocast endure. This so WS can no longer be immune to range hits but can move more freely. 2 Let trow tommahawk damage stay the same or nerf it slightly. 3 Buff CT damage big time. So this becomes their main skill again and makes WS less deadly on range (not completely useless but less deadly and no longer immune to ranged) and very dangerous in melee range. CT at this moment is just not worth all it's requirements. Other than that Whitesmiths have way more disadvantages and weaknesses compared to other classes so any nerfs/changes aside from these would be too much in my opinion.
  10. Bishop


    Hey there, First of all, welcome to the server ! I hope you enjoy your stay! As for your question, Forsaken Dungeon is one of our custom dungeons. It's filled with custom mobs that do happen to drop yggdrasil berries. You can get there by doing the forsaken dungeon quest. Once you finished it you get a pass so you can warp to the dungeon whenever you want. The pass will not be consumed when used :). Our wiki is having some problems at the moment so I cant refer you to our quest guides. However I believe the forsaken dungeon quest is started at the bottom of for_fild01 (next to the warp portal).
  11. The applications are still open. After the applications close all send in applications will be read and considered. The applications close on 10/14/11. So nobody has been chosen yet Forsaken Panda.
  12. Bishop

    Fro Wiki

    The FRO wiki seems to have some problems at the moment. Admin has been notified. Please bear with us while it's being looked into.
  13. I'll have to fully agree to this. Guardian stones should be stronger than the emperium and I'd like to keep it that way as well. If the guardian stones would be even weaker than the emperium then there would be no use in summoning them. Comparing it to euro WoE, the emp breaks within 2 minutes. And this time includes the rushing to the emp. This stone is a few feet away from the portal. Making these stones have less hp than the emp will bring them down in less than 1 minute. I don't see the use in having them at all if they get destroyed that easy. Also, another reason reason why they should be stronger than the emp is the fact that the defending guild has to guard 2 at the same time to be effective. Which means half the defence there normally is at the emp room. (Yes they can switch from stone to stone, but one guildmember can't be at both places at the same time, obviously). In other words 280-290m hp for the guardian stones seems like an fair amount to me. The barricades (imo) can stay the way they are. People broke through them pretty fast when the barricades were no longer 2bil each barricade part. Just my opinion though, I'll go with any changes made. :biggrin: , Bishop
  14. This has been answered countless times already xD. Anyway, we're currently redoing the voting script. It will be up and running as soon as possible ! Ps. Welcome to the server ! If you have any other questions feel free to PM me, Bishop
  15. Best of luck to all applicants ! My advice to you all is to listen to the advice the others GMs have already given you :tongue: . Will be looking forward to new faces !
  16. There were problems with the timer. Which is one of the main reasons why the entire script is being re-done.
  17. I assume this kill log would only be registered within PvP rooms. However this log could grow massive quite quickly. I agree that it would be useful but.. 1: I'm not sure if it's even possible to add. 2: I'm not sure how large this log would become.
  18. I 100% agree with this suggestion. Plain and simple for the reason that EU woe pretty much gets equal (sometimes even higher) amount of players online than US woe lately. That one castle gets WAY too crowded to have a decent WoE still. So if it's possible then I support this suggestion :3. (transferring one from US woe would be fine too imo )
  19. Gotta love that avatar. xD

  20. Are you able to get in-game at all and did it kick you out ? Or do you fail to log into the game completely ?
  21. Bishop

    A Duel Room

    I think reducing the cooldown on @duel would be an easier and better solution to the 'problem'. However these duels cant be counted for pvp ladder cause people would just duel themselfs and feed their own character kills on any given map with @duel enabled. As for your suggestion to the npc and 1 on 1 room. It had been rejected before, making a private room with just 2 players makes it very easy to cheat. Aside from that, letting one player duel another just once every 10 minutes is not really a solution to the feeding either. People can easily continue to change characters in the proces to keep on feeding themselfs. I don't want to be rude, but what are you basing this estimated time value on ? o.o
  22. Bishop

    Cosmetic Npc

    I have to agree with most people here. This change would imbalance pvp enormously because you will not be able to counter the enemy anymore by watching his headgear(slots) and choice of headgears. Aside fromt hat. Making an additional item for EACH of these combinations would make thousands and thousands of new items. Which is pretty much un-doable and not very practical. We are an PK server and this influences PvP in a very bad way. So I'll have to disagree as well.
  23. Turning off UA settings could work too. (At least thats what fixed it on vista) However, it could also be your processor being too weak to handle 2 clients at once. Try the above options though. If your computer can handle it these options should allow you to.
  24. I disagree with this suggestion. First of all I do not think we need to create an entire better gearset again. I mean where will this end ? we already have several sets and newer players will build up getting one set after another. This additional step will once again create an even bigger gap between the geared and ungeared players. Aside from that if we keep on buffing this way balance issues will emerge once again very quickly. Saying the farming oppertunities will make up for it for the newer people is not right. I mean, the newer people didn't take quite an advantage out of friggs quest or any other big quest for that matter. Also, you say the low-demand mvp cards would rise in price and would become an easy way for newer players to make money with. I'll have to disagree with that as well. Cause only newer players are the ones hunting those 'easier' cards right now (not even every hour). Once they will be needed for quests not only the new people would hunt them. But the older players would as well. This way not only the demand would rise, but the supply as well. Keeping the cards value pretty much even. Cards value would stay (pretty much) the same but the competition in getting the card by farming would rise.
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