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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Bishop

  1. It looks quite awesome. :3. I wouldn't mind seeing it :3.
  2. You made a ticket about this and told us it's solved. So I guess this can be closed.
  3. Some mobs are bugged due to them having multiple IDs. You'll indeed have to recast the skill until you get a new target. Once you killed one of the targets recast the skill again. If it's at 1% the target works and can not be changed again until the mission is complete.
  4. I'll have to agree With Xtopher on this one.
  5. Personally, I think Ninja's deserve a nerf more than a boost. I'm really not able to agree boosting their throwing skills even more by adding physical attack or % to the skill itself.
  6. Bishop

    Sex! Changer.

    As far as I know this is not possible. The gender-types are saved account-wise. Not character wise. Hence why all characters change at once. Also I wonder, why would you have to change sex so often that 10 coupons becomes a real expensive price ?
  7. Got it :)
  8. Bishop

    Gm Schedules

    ^ what he said.
  9. It is possible with mapflags but it's a huge amount of work as items would most likely have to be added manually and for something very little. therefore I disagree with adding this.
  10. when does that message show up Mint ?
  11. If you follow the steps of that topic it will solve the error. It has for everyone so far. After following the steps make sure you run your forsakenRO patcher and let it patch. You will be errorless.
  12. It is indeed possible to enable @go or @warp commands and then make people unable to warp back out. However I dont see any reasons to enable it. Talking to the npc works just fine.
  13. Bishop

    Guardian Stones

    There is no way to heal the stone with combinations only rebuild them after they broke completely. This can only be done 8 minutes after the stone broke. Without the ability to heal the stones both stones will break way too easily. The stone is weaker than the emp because it can be killed way faster due to the fact that skills work on them, being able to heal it is crucial. and then there's a 8 minute delay to rebuild it after it broke. @supreamus. Yes if that happens sanc will go down to 777 inside the WoE 2.0 map.
  14. Obviously the valk staffs would still have big advantages over the elite staff. More matk. More damage with stave, more stats. I think that's more than enough of bonusses to make the valk staffs worthwhile.
  15. If you select that one and enable full screen mode. Does your client still close itself ?
  16. Welcome to the server :) I hope you'll enjoy your stay. If you have any questions feel free to send me a message on here and I'll get back to you as soon as I can ^^ Psst. There's no need to worry! A lot of the rucksacks can be accuired from other people quite easily ! You wont have to miss out on them ! Hope to see you around, Bishop
  17. Bishop

    Guardian Stones

    Actually, a direct nerf to a skill is a direct nerf to a class. Easy as that. It's like saying that disabling the Kaizel skill in LMS is not a nerf to the soul linker because it is in the sake of balance? It doesn't matter in what "sake" the changes are made. A nerf to skill from a specific class is a nerf to the class itself. Common sense is what I prefer to call it. instead of stupid. Now please get back on topic or if you must continue with smart comments you may PM me. I've given my opinion on this matter. If you consider me stupid because I disagree or see things differently then so be it. My point stands and I'll leave my opinion as it is.
  18. Bishop

    Guardian Stones

    This as well could be considered a direct nerf to the paladin class. As their devotion skill just got nerfed by not being able to devote a main target. <- that's one way to look at it. However I understand you do not intend to nerf the priest class, yet due to this change they do get nerfed 'indirectly'. Never did I state that the current state is balanced. I did state that removing the option to heal it completely is not the right way to go (imo). And yes I've been to WoE2.0 quite some times. And I know it's hard for you to take the castle but completely removing the ability to heal the stones is too much if you ask me. Adding : One option that I can consider to agree with is giving it the gtb effect (will render priests useless with healing and no dmg from magic skills anymore either.) However this would give chemists another way to support during WoE by being the only class to heal the stone + they would need a link at all times or a boost to their aoe heal. Or can chemists be too much of a tank too according you to guys ? Or would the need for a link and the use of potions make up for the advantage their heal gives ? (Btw, I'm stil not sure if I'd agree to the gtb effect. But it's one of the only options I see left other than leaving things as they are or nerfing the neglected priest itself even more.)
  19. Bishop

    Guardian Stones

    I'm not mad, I just see no need for anyone to talk descended to a fellow member in a perfectly normal arguement. Also last time I checked the NS does not work on the emp/stones. If it does then my bad. At our current WoE 1.0 the emp can break in less than 2-3 minutes and this is while priests can heal it with sanc. Meaning the WoE 2.0 stone breaks faster than this if it can not be healed + half the defence because there's 2 stones. You could say half the attackers as well but there's multiple guilds attacking and only one is guarding. Besides the one guarding guild will have to split up even if there's only 3-4 people attacking the other stone. Gtb and skolls will be a 100% kill with x2 attack asura. If they wear full reductions like poring tower hat you can freeze him. and he wont be unfrozen while devo'd. Frozen + 2xatk asura vs gtb and skolls. Not a single player would survive that. I think you're quite exaggerating here. Priests can be tanks yes. But gtb and double skolls leave them extremely vurnerable to asura strike. Specially if they are not devo'd they would be able to get one shotted by a decent champ. I never said it means you lose the castle. I said it means hell breaks lose as the castle becomes vurnerable and way easier to take and the restoring of stones is set into progress immediately because it is the main source of defence. Yes I agree you can defend a stone for long as it is right now but I dont think disabling the option to heal it completely would be the right solution to this problem. The stones would die immensely fast without them being healed and recreating them would be nearly useless. The first piece of defence is the hardest. However once the stones are down and the first barricade is down. Even IF they repair the stones. the only barricade that will be invernerable is the very first one. the others can still be broken when the guardian stones are up. And the emp can be broken as well. So once the first barricade is down things get ugly for the defending party. @topic overall. Even though I do not agree with removing the ability to heal the stone. I do agree it's too easy to defend right now because it takes too long to break the stones. Therefore I would be suggesting the following 3 changes and would like to hear your opinion on it. I'm pretty sure they are doable : 1: Half the hp for the current guardian stone. Leave the ability to heal them. 2: Reduce the cooldown of repairing the guardian stone by 1/4 or 1/2 as well. This way it will be easier to kill the stones and get to the barricades. While it would still be worth re-summoning as the cooldown to resummon is shorter and it does add new defences once summoned. 3: Increase the size of the guardian stones or replace their sprites to make them easier to target.
  20. I can agree with this suggestion. However there wont be boosted damage % on the weapon to boost up the stave skill. And I'm not sure how much damage it would do without the bonus the valk weap has.
  21. Bishop

    Guardian Stones

    No matter how you see it, it is a direct nerf to the priest class. You will remove the ability to heal the stone which makes them less useful in WoE. Thus it's a direct nerf to the class. Of course priests can do other things than just heal the stone but this is one of the essential things they are used for at this very moment. I've been playing here for quite some years. And I know you mained priests as one of the few players. I have mained it before as well and I agree they have certain areas in which they've been neglected. I'm not saying they are not useful, I'm saying that changing this will make them less useful than they are right now. I took the 500k as an example because you stated the amount. Also if the priest goes GTB style with devote, it would be quite easy to dish out high damage to the paladin. If not kill him easily. Yes priests can heal big amounts, and in my opinion that's part of what they do. Removing the ability to heal it completely would make defending almost impossible, considering the damage output on this server is extremely high. Having to press shift every single time you want to heal takes more time than just pressing one key. I'm assuming you would want to use some other skills than just heal as well. moving back to shift every single time and holding it down just to spam a skill slows things down. As for the used keyboard/mouse functions, Not everyone has such keyboards. I think the standard should still be a regular mouse and a regular keyboard for most players. Dont talk to me like I don't know Chris. The attribute table is very easy to understand and I pretty much know the numbers without your source. The point being is that the emp can break within a few seconds. These stones (without the ability to be healed) will break even faster than that. And these stones are NOT supposed to be just a hinderance. The way WoE2.0 was made on official these stones were/are the main defence mechanism of the castle. Once these were down hell broke lose for the defending guild. The barricades are there to give time to rebuild the stones. As the stones are supposed to be the main battlefield of WoE 2.0. The stones are the main source of defence for the invurnerability of the barricade and the spawning of addtional guardians.
  22. Bishop

    Guardian Stones

    Healing the stone is one of the only things priests are still used for. I don't see any reason at all to nerf the priest class even further. Also /ns doesn't work with healing the stone (last time I checked) so you'll need to hold down shift at all times to heal it which pretty much slows the healing. If you want a priest to heal 500k it would be easy to take them out 500k requires 4 basco. Means they can be stone cursed easily. Easy disable and easy kill once he's fully stoned as well. 1: Disagreed. The stones are meant to be this way. due to the stones and barricades other classes than Sin get more important because they get to break as well. 2: This would double all holy damage on it. Aspersio all the mellee classes and you'd break the stone in no-time. 3: Maybe for the stones but not for the barricades. Magic and asura are the main damage outputs vs the barricades.
  23. There's no such thing as abusing a skill. The skill is there for a reason, to be used. You can counter it by placing your own land protector and then overlap it with volcano or deluge. Or you can use ganbantein on it. Other than that there's no "counter" for it. All you can do is knock them out of the field or use the effect to your own advantage.
  24. Stripping does not work on long-range. They'll have to get close to get stripped.
  25. Open your setup.exe. At the top bar can you select your Geforce card ? If yes you have directX installed. If not then you dont have a compatible directX installed.
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