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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Bishop

  1. 20-29k is oftenly on double tao users with the LK sword carded with double tg and double soldier guardian. However vs none double tao users you should be using an incantation samurai card. Thanatos can do massive damage. But once people wear skoll your damaged will be nerfed severely. So the best would be having 2 LK swords. One with thana and one with incant (or double tg, double soldier guardian).
  2. Please make a ticket under the bug report section.
  3. Bishop


    Always do so~ <3
  4. Bishop


    Welcome to ForsakenRO, enjoy your stay ^^
  5. Yes spamming asura and FO both heavily rely on ping and timing.
  6. Bishop

    Bascojin Card

    I agree with this suggestion. Considering creators on woe right now are 99% of the time as used as fcp slaves I think this would give them more potential during WoE.
  7. The priority settings are only ram/cpu wise. This does not help to reduce the ping. I'm afraid the only real options out there are upgrading your net or moving closer to the server.
  8. Closing this topic as it's being worked on. Thanks for reporting :)
  9. Bishop

    Volupsa Staff.

    Correct! That's also why the voluspa (in my suggested stats) will have lower matk than highness. Just a big bonus to stave crasher for an alternate way to fight vs GTBers :3. Still kinda waiting on Dudu though, for his opinion towards the stats I suggested :O
  10. Bishop

    Volupsa Staff.

    With my above preferred stats-suggestion the highness has more matk %, while voluspa adds damage to stave. Highness also gives str bonuss (and max sp) which seemed rather useless to me at first but perhaps highness can be used for full matk/melee+ifrits vs gtb. While voluspa is as high matk as they can get + stave crasher vs gtb. That way it would encourage 2 different playstyles, correct ? :3. However as my previous post stated , I agree that it was released with a different purpose and not to be stronger than the highness :3.
  11. Bishop

    Volupsa Staff.

    Alright since Dudu is still requesting feedback regarding the change here I go :P First things first, the voluspa wasn't supposed to be better than the highness. it's supposed to give another playstyle to professors. Aside from that, I still agree to your suggestion as without the magic eyes hats or kafra headbands (leaving you able to freeze unless you give up an armor card as well) the damage of stave will be rather weak. HOWEVER, I do believe bolt damage from profs is definitely fine as it is. Therefore I would prefer seeing the matk % stay the same but the bonus dmg to stave get higher. Current Efects: Int + 20, Increase Magic Attack damage by 20% Enable use of Level 1 Stave Crasher Enable use of Level 10 Enlarge Weight Limit Increase damage with Stave Crasher by 45% New effects Int+ 20 , Increase magic attack damage by 20% Enable use of Level 1 Stave Crasher Enable use of Level 10 Enlarge Weight Limit Increase damage with Stave Crasher by 70-80% ^ that's something I'd prefer seeing over higher magic attack damage. This so both weapons can be used for different playstyles.
  12. Noted. :3.
  13. Assuming this answered your question, for any additional questions please make a new topic. Closing this :)
  14. The NPC given by mano is correct. In case you wonder about any of the other steps please click here!, Bishop
  15. The voting system is currently being fixed. There's quite a lot of topics about it already. Please check the other topics before making your own :O <3!
  16. Welcome to the Team! Hope to see you around soon :)

    Read more  
  17. Bishop


    Hi sir.
  18. Bishop

    New Set Quest

    I agree this would be highly overdoing it. We already have many different sets. I don't think adding more sets is something we should focus on at this point.
  19. Doesn't seem to work for me either. Please make a ticket about it as a bug report. Thank you :) Will be closing this, I will change the status to solved once the candy works again.
  20. Love them, specially the fourth one. We indeed need more tails !
  21. Bishop


    Announcement topic says :
  22. an LK can do 25k hits with BB on a shield user. And since BB does 2 hits you do actually reach 50k aside from that LK's tanking capabiility is WAY higher than whitesmiths atm. Hence why their damage output should be lower too. That completely depends on the build he/she is in. Besides atm DS does even to more damage than CT. On official CT does about 3x the dmg from DS. And CT on official is about even with bowling bash. However CT's main quality on official is their high stun chance on CT. And since that is completely removed on this server a higher damage boost should sufficient considering this is the whitesmiths MAIN damage skill. 40-45k is really the lowest I could imagine to buff it to. Cause any lower than that will bring WS back to the way they were.
  23. Yet they have other ways to dispell, as in a weapon or a headgear. But yes smartness xD supernovices cant use ifrits at this current time.
  24. Bishop

    Pink Emp?

    I completely agree to adding these items. but I'll have to agree with Seraphine
  25. Only the taekwon class cant wear ifrit ring. The rest can. Star glads can wear books so they could dispell if they wanted to or they can use valk hat. and no not all classes would have to put valk R card in their weapon just to counter whitesmiths. Gear switching is an essential part of pvp. Learn to switch your weapon to dispell and/or strip. and switch back to attack. Besides that we also have valk hat which procs immensely much. Just saying snipers are dealing the same damage at immense range, yes they are easy to nerf. But I dont see people complain about the damage they dish out. And if you're going to say their damage is easy to reduce because it's ranged.. You'd be changing gears for them wouldn't you ? Why would you have to change gears vs snipers but not vs Whitesmiths ? Same goes for GTB. You change gears to fight wizards or profs, why not change gears to fight Whitesmiths ? I can agree 50k might be high, but it's SO easy to disable their damage by dispelling them or using ifrit ring, or cast quagmire(as wiz) or keep them on range. The damage should be high. 30k damage will not kill ANYONE that is smart enough to keep a bit of distance or use anything to cancel the whitesmith or even just ygg properly. You're saying to remove pneuma, make them vurnerable for range , nerf their range skill AND let their main spell do about 3/4 the damage the TT does right now ? Sorry but that's honestly just rediculous and will bring WS back to the level they were before the thor hammer got released. Ps. CT itself (even with meltdown) cant break armor. you'll have to normally hit them or cart revolution. I'm not crying about the way WS are right now in any single way. I'm just giving my point of view. I dont have much trouble with the current WS class, they are still beatable but I can agree to them being a bit OP and them playing different than they should be. Thats why I'm posting here. and IF these changes were to happen I want to make sure the WS class will still be decent and wont get back to the way they used to be.
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