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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Bishop

  1. How long ago did you make this? Cause I believe I've seen this (or well the same concept) a long time ago :O. I agree the darker one comes out better but the lighter one has the prettiez colors ! :O.
  2. Adding some bonusses and a slot would definitely give the sacred wings and raws more use. It would bring back some incentive to Ladder. I can definitely agree with that. This could be an option or perhaps we can create new wings (quest) that requires a sacred/raw to create an improved version of the wing? Keep in mind the above is just my personal opinion. Whether something like that would be possible is up to the admins :).
  3. Should be solved :) if you run into any other issues feel free to contact me or create a new topic.
  4. Torrent link is back up :) If you run into any trouble downloading it feel free to contact me.
  5. Bishop

    I Need Help!

    Did the above solve your issue? :)
  6. Bishop

    Manual Patch Guide

    https://forsaken-ro.net/download/ This is our official download page. You should be able to find everything you need right there :)
  7. Solved :)
  8. The bif town and fields seem to still have some issues. For now I'd recommend you to reset your character position at the control panel.
  9. We'll take care of this at the ticket system.
  10. You can find the troubleshooting guide here: https://forsaken-ro.net/download/troubleshooting-guide/
  11. If you install the game through our all in one installer and follow the trouble shooting guide it's impossible for your client to still not respond to your setup.exe. If editting your registery files worked it means you have the wrong version from the setup.exe and not the one that comes along with our server files. Next time, try to stick to the server files to prevent issues.
  12. Did you do what the troubleshooting guide said and edit the setup.exe in both regular and administrator mode?
  13. The biggest tip one can give for Star gladiator is to simply read the skills the class has. Perhaps look at some guides. Once you understand the classes' skills, the build and lack of weapon should become obvious.
  14. I moved your topic cause it was in the wrong section. To answer your question: Check the troubleshooting guide on our website. It thoroughly explains this issue and how to solve it.
  15. Adding a delay to warping while being hit won't stop warp abuse. The whole purpose of the warp abuse is abusing the few seconds of immunity you get after warping. For example, storm gust wizards would still be able to warp ->storm gust-> warp again. If you put a delay on warp while being hit that is.
  16. We normally do have a torrent download with dedicated seeders as well. Just the download link seems to be down atm. Sensation already notified Genesis. Me (or any other GM) will update this topic once it's resolved.
  17. This server no often stat resets Endyuransu. We've had 2-3 global stat resets in 5+ years time. The last 2 were due to people abusing a bug in the knight quest. What would you prefer ? Having a global stat reset or having people running around with 300 all stats? I'm also afraid that the npc is not able to check the amount of items in your inventory. The % overweight however is a status that can be checked for. In my opinion the big red letter warning at all npcs that can cause this issue is more than enough of a warning to make sure you have enough space in your inventory.
  18. Just like all other classes, delays were introduced to their skills. CT requires 2 kiels I believe to be spammed properly. No longer only depends on attack speed.
  19. You need to set up your setup.exe in both normal and administrator mode. You can find setup.exe in your FRO folder.
  20. Bishop


    The lua errors are elaborated in our troubleshooting guide. You can find it here : https://forsaken-ro.net/download/troubleshooting-guide/ Follow the steps in that guide and you'll be fine.
  21. We'll continue this matter at the ticket system :)
  22. Solved for now. Once the map has been fixed it'll probably be mentioned in the update topic. Thank you for your patience.
  23. Errr ok. Closed.
  24. You already created a ticket regarding this. We'll handle it there :)
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