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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Bishop

  1. Glad it works :) Enjoy your stay !
  2. I am using chrome atm and it works fine for me. Might be your cookies/temp internet files that ruined it. Either way, let me know if you run into any more trouble :)
  3. Sorry, them epic gears stay with me <3. Glad it's solved ^^ closing this topic. If you run into any more problems just send me a message or create a new topic :)
  4. It works fine for me now, on chrome. Are you unable to connect to the download page or the download file itself?
  5. Have you tried checking other Helpdesk topics? This issue has been solved many times already. Here's 1 ^^ : http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=26035
  6. 1337 posts! what does it mean ? :O.

  7. The reason why you're erroring in those specific spots is because of the use of renewal NPCs. The folder you are using is probably still only kro/sakray and not updated to renewal. The only way to update to renewal is by redownloading the newer clients. Easiest way to do this is indeed by downloading and installing the All-In-One client. PS. Yay post number 1337. This is historical ;_; !
  8. Ah, probably just a mistake in the directory. I'll notify Genesis about this. Thank you for reporting, I will update this topic once it's solved.
  9. As our guides explain, you have to look at our troubleshooting guide before creating a topic about this. This issue is thoroughly covered in our troubleshooting guide that you can find here : https://forsaken-ro.net/downloads/troubleshooting-guide/ Do the steps under and you should be fine. Keep in mind to follow ALL steps. that means setting it up in normal mode AND administrator mode.
  10. I don't think you quite get what I meant. You claimed this was declined in the past because 'rich players' didn't want it to be implemented. This is false and therefore is a false rumor that you are trying to start. Secondly, nearly everyone was once a farmer. Donators trying to get the lowest price has nothing to do with this suggestion. Also as a supplier you are the one that sets the price, not the one buying. If your price is too high for them, well too bad for them. They'll have to look for someone else.
  11. This doesn't belong here, you already made a ticket.
  12. You'll probably have to contact your ISP regarding this one. Either way you've already created a ticket. We'll take it from there.
  13. As said in all the botcheck topics so far (Please check other topics before making your own) You'll have to create a ticket regarding this. This does not belong here.
  14. Bishop


    You already created a ticket regarding this.
  15. Any update?
  16. This should be in the suggestion section. As for your TK mission question, I'm afraid this is not doable. The TK mission is based on monster IDs. To make the skill work the way you suggested it to work the script would have to recognize the other monster ID's with the same mob name as the selected target. I think making a source edit such as this one is a high cost - low reward change. You can still suggest it if you wish, perhaps Genesis knows an easier way to adjust this. Though we normally don't do source edits easily. As for the high jump, I can agree with this. I'll be closing this topic now. Feel free to create a suggestion topic regarding this.
  17. Solved.
  18. No response for over a week. Assuming it's solved.
  19. Alright then. Solved.
  20. One of the reasons for rejecting this before is because it would benefit bots a lot. Now that the bot problem is fixed it's one less reason to keep the command away. The decision to not implement it before has absolutely nothing to do with rich players vs poor players. Rich players would not benefit less from this change compared to the poor ones. It benefits both parties so your argument and false rumor make no sense.Either way whether this gets implemented is all up to Genesis. There could be issues with it that we are not aware of.
  21. Do as Sensation says and you'll be fine. Closing this.
  22. Bishop


    Chloey, Patch your client. After that create a ticket regarding your jail.
  23. If your character is still jailed because of it please create a ticket.
  24. Your issue is described in our trouble shooting guide ! Please check it out before creating topics :) You can find it here: https://forsaken-ro.net/downloads/troubleshooting-guide/ Let me know if you have any other issues :).
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