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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Mint

  1. First Forum Account 21 November 2007~ the good old days

  2. If your using windows 7, you have to click 'Compatability Files', it should be to the right of 'Burn'
  3. Mint

    I'm Back!

    Welcome Back!~
  4. @mei Undead/shadow/poison armor doesn't protect against a good sinx because they should have a small supply of other converters anyway (E.g BoS). Also, a ygg limit does nothing because it doesn't stop people from hiding, running & logging/warping to refresh their supply of berries/seeds so it will just cause more frustration and arguments if anything.
  5. Mint

    Mint's Shop

  6. I urge you to try to ladder with just FO, and of course Blue Pots! Blue pots are for sure the solution to asura spamming without ygg berries! (if you're happy with a 20k asura). Oh and as you stated, sinx's are able to put out huge amounts of damage in a matter of seconds, so the only way to prevent this is to put delays on yggs, the one thing that will save your life vs a sonic blow sinx~ ? :S As Items/cards change, so does the way classes are played, the damage output of classes, the skills they use etc.., it's not just the players that change
  7. Champs rely on a fast asura spam, you can't spam asura with a delay on yggs, and some classes naturally use more yggs than others e.g Sinx, so it wouldn't really be fair. It's a good suggestion, if it was made 4 years ago
  8. Heyy! Welcome to the server~ :P
  9. Maybe if you made the mvp's harder & reduced the drop rate, so people would be less-keen to camp the mvp rooms
  10. Mint

    Mint's Shop

  11. Mint

    Mint's Shop

  12. Welcome to the server!~ I'm welsh! Fellow UK'er :P & I'm a high priest too! Woo~ see you ingame~ x
  13. Happy New Year everyone~ have a good one x

  14. - Remove This Please -
  15. Looking good~ Nice one :P
  16. Entry #1 Original (Before Crop): http://tinypic.com/r/24v0emd/6 Theme: Christmas Entry #2 Original (Before Crop): http://tinypic.com/r/1zzrej9/6 Theme: Christmas Entry #3 Original (Before Crop): http://tinypic.com/r/2il0u95/6 Theme: Christmas IGN: Baby Mint
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxD_7S7bl8k
  18. Also just a thing to add~ Babies don't get rebirth so they'll be like useless
  19. You might aswell remove the class change Npc's and make people do the quests for the first job changes too, not too sure people would be happy about that.. It's a good idea, but its hard to get people into PvP without the risk of losing their items while doing it, but wouldn't it just make the people with more gear keep their's, but the people with less gear lose it. As its pretty much gear > skill on this server because of the valkyrie weapons/ headgear bonus'
  20. Why are LK's so OP? :/

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Xtopher


      Lord Knights are OP because I inspire kids.

    3. Aerynth


      Was just messing around man, I know you're not hating.

    4. 7lovestories


      Lol chris ur answer was way too far :)

  21. Increase the damage on demi humans from 25% to 45% <3
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