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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Mint

  1. Mint

    This Or That?

    neck tie Music.. or screamo
  2. Mint

    Corrupted Wish

    Granted, but you can't use it until you die. I wish for all the money in the world
  3. Mint

    This Or That?

    Moon Sun or Rain?
  4. Can you see chat boxes in forsaken city?
  5. No solution ^
  6. Mint


    Welcome to the server!~ if you have any questions feel free to pm me ingame in game name : Taboo
  7. Hey welcome to the server!~ Feel free to message me ingame if you have a question :) In-Game Name : Taboo
  8. What's the point in vote raws now? :o since the avians are 10000% better, and the quest is probably faster than voting :S
  9. Nice update!~ But I hope the Sacred/Avian/Zodiac have a different icon to the normal ones otherwise incoming trade scams oh & has anyone done the calculations on the legendary vit gauntlets ( -5 vit, +3% hp) wondering if the hp bonus is better than the vit lost
  10. Mint

    Mint's Shop

    -Edited New Items & Sold Items
  11. Offically moved into my room at uni! So strange living alone D:

  12. Mint

    Mint's Shop

    I'm too OP -Edited
  13. lool just realised 100-22 doesnt equal 88
  14. 20 hands - 22 fingers = 88 fingers
  15. Mint

    Mint's Shop

    LOL! Yes, yes it is. :P 24/7
  16. Try reading this http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=21808
  17. Unless it's replaced with a legendary dagger
  18. I think the quest will be removed, but the current items will stay in the game
  19. I disagree because Acid Bomb has a fast spam rate, and it can hold you in place. The price of bottles as it is now discourages players from spamming it for long periods of time, including the fact that the supply is finite.
  20. Mint

    Mint's Shop

  21. True! Noodles nom nom The person below me doesn't live with their parents
  22. Mint

    Mint's Shop

  23. Alot faster* and double the damage so.. i'd say yes?
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