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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Nelly

  1. talk about this pic..lmao they all asshole.. cole <3 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=ie4apg&s=8#.Vw4H2-KrhBc
  2. I BE BACK WHEN "THE ORDER OF CUPCAKE UNICORN" gonna get scold for play around old topic..lel nice update btw
  3. Merry Chinese New years !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. niemono89


      Ang pow collection season is triggered for the whole week XD~

    3. Ochibi
    4. Seraphine


      Happy Chinese New Years!

  4. Happy Early Merry Xmas Everyone!

    1. Ochibi


      Wooah happy holidays :]

  5. Welcome back niggas!

  6. Happy Halloween!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yOsi



    3. Ochibi


      Time to be a dracula in 3 2 ..

    4. Nelly


      Im just gonna be pumpkin this years :/...fat and orange

  7. Omaigawd talk about that saiyan hair and pirate lord -dies- MERRY HALLOWEEN NIGGAS
  8. Rainbow Emp?
  9. Oh my heartache, but I know fate.. Will send you my way And when you came my heart was saved

    1. Ochibi


      No fate :( real life huhuuh

    2. Nelly


      Wat..call me I send u fate

  10. Just asking..do u have the sprite sheet?
  11. nope, I dont eben know wat is tat TPBM hate being stare by someone else for 3 day in a row
  12. Nahhh...i just believe in fairy and unicorn (off topic) TPBM will move to gotham, and be the next ROBIN for 20 years and promoted as BATMAN
  13. You have reached your quota of positive vote for today. :<

  14. more than 14 row spamming in 12 second. MUTE him from the rest of his ForsakeLife. Lol kidding. Im not sure (im having major amnesia on Ro) I think Ro have "Blacklist/Block"? Nay?
  15. Happyness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do in Harmony. Mathama Ghandi
  16. Welcome! I hope u can stay longer than one day, trust me the longer u stay, the longer u play (until there a stages that u dont want to log out) gosh. U gonna love it.
  17. Nuh, im in the asian team. Lol TPBM can drink LemonAde everyday.
  18. CONGRATULATIONS! Do make ForsakenRo raining FourLeaf Clover
  19. Your welcome :3?! Keep up and good luck FroCommander.
  20. Yes! I use it to drop all siggy I used to made, also use photobucket,tinypic etc TPBM love to spam STORM GUST instead METEOR STORM
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