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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Seraphine

  1. I don't think it's that much of a change considering the Forsaken Elite Stalker Dagger adds +25% magic attack so leaving it as the 35% should be appropriate.
  2. Like Ryuk said theirs no reason for players to have access to the @whomap command.
  3. Thanks! =] Do you think this is to much of a buff or what's you opinion about it?
  4. Int + 20, Max HP + 20%, MATK + 40%, Max SP + 30%, Allow the use of Level 10 Enlarge Weight Limit, ASPD + 5,10% Demi human reduction LV 10 Lightning Spear of Ice , What do you guys think about this?
  5. Seraphine

    Certain Things

    20% more damage with acid demo Str+20 Int+40 Enable the use of Level 5 Fire Bolt and Level 5 Cold Bolt Magic attack+20% 35% more damage with mammonite What do you guys think about this for a new weapon?
  6. - Voting - June 11th,2011- June 18th,2011 Theme:Greek Mythology Welcome to the voting thread of the 46th SOTW! When voting in the SOTW, we will be expecting you to fully understand the rules. Don't know the rules? Click Here Have you seen the sources? If not, Click here Rules that the voter must understand: *Voters must have at least a post count of 10 in order to vote. *Contestants are not allowed to vote for themselves, but are now allowed to vote in the SOTW. *Judges' signature grades will be doubled (e.g., if a judge gives 10, it would count as 20). *Non-judge points will count for full credit. *Each voter must fill out at least one rubric for the entry of their choice. *Each entry must have at least 2-3 GOOD sentences in addition to the rubric. * Signatures will be based on a point-basis. Voting Rubric: Rate each of the following categories from 1 to 5, with 5 being 'excellent' and 1 being 'ok/decent'... *Creativity - how creative the signature is. *Technical - how challenging the attempted idea. *Execution- how the idea is put together and how successful it is. *Aesthetic- how visually pleasing the signature is, regardless of how complex it may be. Include the total points. Must include 2-3 sentences discussing the over-all reason why you're casting a vote for the signature. Try to think in terms of the categories above, but you're free to discuss other elements as well. (Note: you only have to do this once.) Entries: [1]Baby Mint IGN:Baby Mint Sources: Link1 Link2 [2]-R e i IGN:Cronus Resources: Link II Font Used: Tribbon [3]Nelly IGN:Nelle Resources Link , Link ,Link and font use is : Phonetica :3 [4]Sheeque IGN:Sheeque Sources : #1 #2 #3 [5]Elaice IGN:Elaice Stock:[☼] I used several of fractals and c4d's here's a few: [x x x] [6]Accel IGN:~Accel Links: C4D C4D Fire Stock Background I used some fire/cloud brushes. And the text is Morpheus. [7]Poringly IGN:FakeLove</3 Brushes used : Cloud & Lightning brush | Font : God Of War Link : [x] [x] [8]sookyay IGN:Amberly Brushes : Preset Photoshop Brushes Font Used : Edwardian Script ITC Image used : http://www.google.com.my/imgres?imgurl=http://www.deviantart.com/download/121837146/Cupid_and_Psyche_Master_Copy_by_phomax.jpg&imgrefurl=http://phomax.deviantart.com/art/Cupid-and-Psyche-Master-Copy-121837146%3Foffset%3D0&usg=__1Xa5FG-QJZpnVgAzys1pbEfQiuc=&h=1309&w=800&sz=221&hl=en&start=27&zoom=1&tbnid=gKXEX9q3wvZduM:&tbnh=120&tbnw=80&ei=rEryTf7BJ8yyrAe_k_ncBA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Deros%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox%26rlz%3D1I7GGHP_en-GB%26biw%3D1345%26bih%3D583%26tbs%3Disz:l%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=78&page=2&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:27&tx=36&ty=78 [9]Diablo336 IGN:ShadowzCross Stock Background Nice entries everyone!!! Please vote fairly! * *If I suspect anyone of bribing people to vote for them, etc. and they do not provide legitimate reasons for their vote, it will not be counted.
  7. -Closed- Voting topic will be up shortly.
  8. Sotw will close in about 50 minutes.
  9. No more Commando(the perk from MW2)
  10. Their is already another suggestion about this in process of being accepted/rejected please look before you post a suggestion please.Going to reject this and you can post all your ideas in the other Gunslinger topic.
  11. @TensaZangetsu I don't see what your post has to do with anything.Post hidden. Please try to stay on topic.
  12. SOTW # 45 1s place: Muffin Master 2nd place: Elaice 100 event tokens given to Krztaszma
  13. I believe the warp npc was taken out of Fcity due to it being out of date,since most people use the @warp command,if your having trouble finding maps their is a place in the forums where every map is listed(Can't find it right now). I like the tool dealer in each town but you can easily warp to the mall in Fcity. And for the healer in Ayothaya i saw what you mean i'll suggest a fix about it =]
  14. Haha that would be cool :3
  15. Stop posting in this thread telling genesis to pm you,again Genesis went to sleep and is very busy during the day(writing exams/papers) Hiding your post because that's yet another time you have went off topic and used this thread as your personal messenger.
  16. For the event Gtb could be not allowed.And instead make that card available some how through a quest perhaps?
  17. I be stalking again ;D

  18. If you post the english translation as well i think it should be fine.
  19. It causes problems i don't think it's necessary to add in but that's just my opinion.
  20. I don't think so,to me this idea will just cause problems,more or less if you want a serious and fair fight with no one warping then go to the pvp room.This also has been rejected 2-3 times before just letting you know the chances of this being accepted are slim.
  21. Alright you two, no more bickering.Keep on topic and suggest how you think the suggestion can be improved.
  22. Nice entries everyone!You have 2 more days to get any more in.
  23. The staff at ForsakenRo is honestly one of the most hard working and personal Gm teams you will find out there It's really like an online family and i say that from experience.If you get the chance you can make some really good friends here along with the guild competition and you'll have a blast guaranteed. - Seraphine
  24. Seraphine

    Certain Things

    I disagree on giving a weight boost to clowns and gypsies both are highly offensive classes and have to sacrifice something along with that if you want to hold more Gear/Yggs/ then modify your build and add in some more Strength.
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