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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Seraphine

  1. Voting thread is up check it out and vote!

  2. - Voting - May 26,2011- June 2nd,2011 Theme: Bleach! Welcome to the voting thread of the 45th SOTW! When voting in the SOTW, we will be expecting you to fully understand the rules. Don't know the rules? Click Here Have you seen the sources? If not, Here Rules that the voter must understand: *Voters must have at least a post count of 10 in order to vote. *Contestants are not allowed to vote for themselves, but are now allowed to vote in the SOTW. *Judges' signature grades will be doubled (e.g., if a judge gives 10, it would count as 20). *Non-judge points will count for full credit. *Each voter must fill out at least one rubric for the entry of their choice. *Each entry must have at least 2-3 GOOD sentences in addition to the rubric. * Signatures will be based on a point-basis. Voting Rubric: Rate each of the following categories from 1 to 5, with 5 being 'excellent' and 1 being 'ok/decent'... *Creativity - how creative the signature is. *Technical - how challenging the attempted idea. *Execution- how the idea is put together and how successful it is. *Aesthetic- how visually pleasing the signature is, regardless of how complex it may be. Include the total points. Must include 2-3 sentences discussing the over-all reason why you're casting a vote for the signature. Try to think in terms of the categories above, but you're free to discuss other elements as well. (Note: you only have to do this once.) Entries: [1]Lavernius IGN:Lavernius Source:Here [2]Sheeque IGN:Sheeque Source:#1 #2 [3]Elaice IGN:Elaice Source:Here [4]Haruka IGN:Haruka. Source:Here [5]Baby Mint IGN:Baby Mint Source:Here [6]Muffin Master IGN: Krztaszma Source:Here Nice entries everyone!!!Everyone, please vote fairly! * *If I suspect anyone of bribing people to vote for them, etc. and they do not provide legitimate reasons for their vote, it will not be counted. Note:SlingerzDeluxez your entry was disqualified as for the only changes i could see to the original image were text based,im sorry.
  3. -Closed- Sorry for closing this so late,i fell asleep and didn't wake up till now.
  4. Glad your problem is solved =]
  5. Yeah it's bleach :P
  6. Nice screenshots! =]
  7. Can you guys leave your Ingame names please? 1 is sufficient.
  8. Nice avatar and sig :P

  9. This was rejected before people can easliy cheat,and GM's can't be on to watch 24/7 there is no reason to implement this idea as the negatives over weigh the positives(There are none)
  10. Any update?
  11. SOTW #44 1st Place: Meka Meka 2nd Place: Haruka 3rd Place: Poringly 25 event tokens given to S&H (Poringly)
  12. Can you leave me a link for the sources? And what skill/technique are you representing?Ichigos Bankai i presume?
  13. You know you like it =] xD

  14. Stalking's my thing

  15. Seraphine

    Voting Tokens

    If there was no prize/reward for voting no one would do it maybe a small portion of people would but the vote doesn't even count unless you enter the repatcha code and 90% of people who vote don't enter it. Making it so you can vote every 12 hours should be fine and is acceptable.
  16. Seraphine


    Is it possible for rop to be centered?To me it looks very off center.
  17. Seraphine

    Voting Tokens

    I don't see a purpose,your not supposed to get these items in such a small amount of time. Disagree
  18. It's an anime i left the Bleach wiki there go have a look :P
  19. Seraphine

    Storage On Woe

    I see no problem with being able to storage during woe,it's been like this forever and no ones had a problem with it so i don't see why it's a big deal now.
  20. Moved to suppot section.
  21. May 18th, 2011 - May 25th, 2011 Theme:Bleach MUST READ:To change things up in this Sotw the theme is Bleach the anime,there is 2 requirements you must present in your signature for it to be accepted the first is,you must pick one character from Bleach,then you must present at least one skill/technique that character uses.Both must be presented in 1 signature NOT different signatures for the character and technique/skill Also you must include the name of your character and the skill/technique in the post along with your signature Here is the bleach wiki:[x] You are free to use whatever stock/theme/style that you would like as long as it involves something with Bleach! Hello and Welcome to the 45th SOTW! Before posting your entry please make sure you know the Rules Rules that the contestant must understand: * Contestants are only permitted to post one entry only. * Contestants must make their entries in the within the weeks the SOTW is open. * The entry must be made by the contestant, and the contestant alone. * The contestant must list at least one in-game character that they have in-game in their post. * The contestant must post their resources used for their entry and must have their name in their entry. * Entries may not exceed the size of: 300x450px (Length x Width). * Entries may not be hand-drawn by the participant. * Entries may not be square. This will be up to judge discretion. You will be informed if your signature needs to be modified. * Judges hosting SOTW are not permitted to enter the competition. Prizes: First Place: 100 Event Tokens. Second Place: 50 Event Tokens. Third Place: 25 Event Tokens. This topic will close on May 25th 2011 midnight server time.May 25th 2011 to June 1st 2011 will be the voting period. Goodluck all be creative and do your best =] Can't wait to see what comes of this theme!!
  22. -Winners- Theme:Mothers Day Prizes: First Place: 100 Event Tokens. Second Place: 50 Event Tokens. Third Place: 25 Event Tokens. 1st Place:Meka Meka IGN:Meka Total Points:65 2nd Place:Haruka IGN:Haruka. Total Points:36 3rd Place: Poringly IGN:S&H Total Points:18 Please contact a GM on the character listed to claim your prize. Stay Tuned the next Sotw will be opened soon =]
  23. -Closed- Those who won will be posted shortly =]
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