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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Seraphine

  1. June 19th, 2011 - June 26th, 2011 Theme: Freestyle You are free to use whatever stock/theme/style that you would like Hello and Welcome to the 47th SOTW! Before posting your entry please make sure you know the Rules Rules that the contestant must understand: * Contestants are only permitted to post one entry only. * Contestants must make their entries in the within the weeks the SOTW is open. * The entry must be made by the contestant, and the contestant alone. * The contestant must list at least one in-game character that they have in-game in their post. * The contestant must post their resources used for their entry and must have their name in their entry. * Entries may not exceed the size of: 300x450px (Length x Width). * Entries may not be hand-drawn by the participant. * Entries may not be square. This will be up to judge discretion. You will be informed if your signature needs to be modified. * Judges hosting SOTW are not permitted to enter the competition. Prizes: First Place: 100 Event Tokens. Second Place: 50 Event Tokens. Third Place: 25 Event Tokens. This topic will close on June 26th 2011 midnight server time.June 26th 2011 to July 3rd 2011 will be the voting period. Good luck everyone! Can't wait to see the entries!
  2. SOTW # 46 1st places:sookyay & Poringly 50 Event tokens were given to Amberly Poringly still needs his prize.
  3. -Winners- Theme:Greek Mythology Prizes: First Place: 100 Event Tokens. Second Place: 50 Event Tokens. Third Place: 25 Event Tokens. 1st Place:sookyay & Poringly IGN'S:Amberly & FakeLove</3 Total Points:32 each The prize is split so 50 event tokens each. 2nd Place:Nelly IGN:Nelle Total Points:15 3rd Place:Elaice IGN:Elaice Total Points:14 Please contact a GM on the character you have listed to claim your prize! Also the next Sotw topic will be opened shortly.
  4. Closed.
  5. Were you able to figure it out?
  6. Closed.
  7. 1177
  8. Seraphine


    Any update?
  9. Closing since your question has been answered.
  10. Nice signature :P

  11. Pretty good videos!
  12. My vote goes to [7] Poringly for his work with the brushes which i thought really made his signature stand out and come alive, along with that the text matched really well. *Creativity - 3 *Technical - 3 *Execution- 5 *Aesthetic- 5 Total points:32
  13. Champions can kill in 1-2 asuras along with that they can nerf ranged classes with pneuma and can run away using snap i really don't think they need an hp buff also their hp is not that bad at all.
  14. 1175
  15. Finished with all my exams finally!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nelly


      good luck on the result

    3. Danny
    4. Tom & Jerry

      Tom & Jerry

      Let me guess. E C D B A C C D. Your grades!

  16. I see no real reason not to agree but the issue is like Weezing stated is if it's a source edit which it might be but i'm not sure if it is.If it is a source edit it most likely won't happen.
  17. White smith is a powerful tool especially with 195 aspd yes it can take a long time to break their weapon and armor but if it was at a higher percent everyone would need fcp all the time.
  18. Seraphine

    Hopping Filir

    It should give you double attack 100% of the time with any weapon.
  19. Seraphine


    Yet again please do not revive old topics.
  20. Look at the date of the last post before posting please.
  21. Moved to suggestion section.
  22. We have the command just only GM's can use it.
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