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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Seraphine

  1. - Voting - May 10,2011- May 17,2011 Theme: Mothers Day! Welcome to the voting thread of the 44th SOTW! When voting in the SOTW, we will be expecting you to fully understand the rules. Don't know the rules? Click Here Have you seen the sources? If not, Here Rules that the voter must understand: *Voters must have at least a post count of 10 in order to vote. *Contestants are not allowed to vote for themselves, but are now allowed to vote in the SOTW. *Judges' signature grades will be doubled (e.g., if a judge gives 10, it would count as 20). *Non-judge points will count for full credit. *Each voter must fill out at least one rubric for the entry of their choice. *Each entry must have at least 2-3 GOOD sentences in addition to the rubric. * Signatures will be based on a point-basis. Voting Rubric: Rate each of the following categories from 1 to 5, with 5 being 'excellent' and 1 being 'ok/decent'... *Creativity - how creative the signature is. *Technical - how challenging the attempted idea. *Execution- how the idea is put together and how successful it is. *Aesthetic- how visually pleasing the signature is, regardless of how complex it may be. Include the total points. Must include 2-3 sentences discussing the over-all reason why you're casting a vote for the signature. Try to think in terms of the categories above, but you're free to discuss other elements as well. (Note: you only have to do this once.) Entries: [1]Meka Meka IGN:Meka [2]Poringly IGN:S&H [3]Haruka IGN:Haruka. [4]Groxy Drank IGN:Corrosive Nice entries everyone!!!Everyone, please vote fairly! * *If I suspect anyone of bribing people to vote for them, etc. and they do not provide legitimate reasons for their vote, it will not be counted. Also thanks to MrsWazabi for the Signature of the week image!
  2. - Closed - Voting topic will be open soon.
  3. Then maybe you guys could suggest some buffs that could be removed?
  4. You have till tonight midnight server time to get your last entries!!! About 1hour and 30 minutes till this thread will close and voting will go up.
  5. You have till tommorrow midnight server time to get your entries in .
  6. I'll agree on 5% hp and that's it.
  7. Each color has it's own value, this was rejected for imps as well but will see what everyone else thinks.
  8. Theirs an economy based around Trading Between different colors and it really wouldn't make sense for the people who have more than 2 of each sacred and royal angel wing although be it rare.
  9. I suggest that all New event and vote rewards get a slot to increase their usefullness =]
  10. Seraphine


    I'll be changing it soon =]
  11. Welcome hope you enjoy your stay! If you have questions feel free to ask =]
  12. I had the same problem Genesis released a new patch the day after the update was released try patching=]
  13. I like it! =]
  14. 10 GvG tokens takes already along time to get and theirs already a few in cirrculation so it would be unfair to change the price now and 25 GvG tokens is rather ridiculous.
  15. Their null because you have been inactive for a long period of time, you can only remake them to change their name.Also if you have anymore questions i 'll leave this open for a few days =]
  16. Goodjob so far everyone! Three more days to get your entries in!!Let's see at least 2 more.
  17. 1077!
  18. 1070
  19. My favorites the beer hat :P
  20. Amazing!!
  21. Looks nice Haruka =] Keep the entries coming!
  22. @Poringly Please change the size to 450 thanks! Looks great =] @-R e i Sure =]
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