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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Seraphine

  1. 848
  2. To Annies original post Fas is meant for area taking out the area part wouldnt make Fas something people would want to use.Also my only problem with Fas is how it hits offscreen but it's not so bad that it can't be dealt with.
  3. Come at me, give me your best shot.

  4. 150 ping and under should do the trick xD
  5. Seraphine

    Hi Fro

    Welcome =]
  6. Schools a big part in the us too, im just gonna go off my talents and skills and hopefully it'll work out that's my plan.
  7. Life is the ultimate test yes at times life aren't good and are unhappy, everyones dream is to be rich and do nothing all day and every day, but as people realize that they can't be the next bill gates and have to do nothing for most of their life even though he worked to where he is, everyone realizes their going to live a normal life and suffer through what regular people have to go through everyday everyone in the end just sticks through it or they don't. Grades will only take you so far your skills and talents can decide who you are persure your dream and don't assume an unhappy job somewhere where you don't want to work do what you think will make you happy not because you have to feed your family if you don't suffer through the most horrendous job in the world,as Annie said make the most of life and don't worry about things so much i mean for me school is nothing because i already know what im going to do and involves basic education and is something im good at and im happy if i had the oppourtunity to get payed for that and im willingy to take the risk, im weighing alot on wether im good enough at it or not but it's my dream and im gonna follow it up not saying my life will be easy as a millionaire but it's what i think will make me the most happy in my life. Sorry if that was a little long just got on a rant and didn't stop.
  8. 845!
  9. 13th keep it up everyone!!!!
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpmSHb-aRB0
  11. The time is near.

    1.  Ita


      Whats gonna happen..o.o...?

  12. Closing =]
  13. Im not ignoring it. Source edit like nines said.
  14. Yeah when i usually disconnect i fail to connect a few times.
  15. Do not target players directly please it ends up causing forum fights which is not very good.Also just because she doesn't pvp alot doesn't mean her point/opinion isn't valid.
  16. Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600] Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Tracing route to forsakenserver.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 3 9 ms 10 ms 8 ms rd1so-ge9-0-0-6.cg.shawcable.net [] 4 16 ms 8 ms 13 ms rc2so-tge0-7-2-0.cg.shawcable.net [ ] 5 42 ms 23 ms 23 ms rc2wh-pos0-15-5-0.vc.shawcable.net [ 6] 6 62 ms 57 ms 57 ms rc2sj-pos6-0-0.cl.shawcable.net [] 7 59 ms 114 ms 61 ms 8 176 ms 334 ms 74 ms ip245.67-202-112.static.steadfast.net [67.202.11 2.245] 9 76 ms 73 ms 73 ms ip65.208-100-32.static.steadfast.net [208.100.32 .65] 10 77 ms 82 ms 76 ms ip46.208-100-32.static.steadfast.net [208.100.32 .46] 11 79 ms 73 ms 73 ms vrrp-g1-core1.chi.systeminplace.net [208.100.50. 117] 12 76 ms 91 ms 79 ms ip-67-202-107-27.static.chi2.systeminplace.net [] Trace complete.
  17. Here's mine: 3:11ms 8 ms 15ms 4:9ms 10ms 8ms 5:27ms 32ms 23ms 6:55ms 55ms 58ms 7:56ms 65ms 57ms 8:72ms 77ms 72ms 9:74ms 86ms 85ms 10:75ms 73ms 73ms 11:72ms 74ms 72ms 12:73ms 75ms 73ms
  18. Don't post screenshots showing the website please..
  19. Life sucks, so does school, too many tests and homework to do : ( . If you can get past all the crap in life then it can be really good and i've experienced that before : )
  20. Hmm...I need some career ideas please =]

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kax


      lol.. hmm.. y not apply to be a GM!

    3. TensaZangetsu


      Crystal meth major, what you gonna delete this too lmfao???!!

    4. Seraphine


      Im serious here -_-

  21. Seraphine

    Profs And Gtb

    Nerfing gtb for one class isn't fair and there is no real reason behind it only people think of it as "noobish" which it's not at all. I'll quote nines here and assume i can close this.
  22. Yeah time to clear up the suggestion i disagree like Jess/Chae Rin said not much activity takes place in PvP room anymore so less yggs are spent would be nice to see more feedback : )
  23. Closing by request of original topic maker.
  24. For organization sake im gonna move this to the proper section and assume the problem is fixed,since it has been a month.
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