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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Seraphine

  1. 1434
  2. Rejected topic This has been suggested before and rejected for this reason : At this time, adding a command like this isn't a viable option.For the time being use @autoloot So putting this as rejected for now.
  3. 1431
  4. 1st one:I don't really see a reason not to agree with this.+1 2nd one:Yeah changing the dex to int would help creators out alot more than the dex does.
  5. 1427
  6. Seraphine

    Battlefield 3

    Game looks pretty sick.Will probably get it once it comes out,might even pre-order it.
  7. Good job! [=
  8. Seraphine


    Hello and welcome to the server and forums! If you have any questions let me or another gm know through the forums or @request in-game.
  9. Bishop is correct the Tao Gunka card has to be updated in-game but theirs currently a suggestion about it where players are discussing which effects would be best for each class so that will have to be updated after that is done. Deviling card is 30% resistance to neutral property , so that will have to be updated. If theirs any errors on the wiki please make a topic here in the support section or file a ticket about it in the ticket system. Thanks for letting us know about the errors, i'll let our superiors know of them so they can be fixed as soon as possible.
  10. I don't think anything can be done about this really theirs no other way for us to verify if it's a legit summon by them or not however i think this is a good idea: If this was done this would eliminate cheating and thus making it much easier for those summoning Thanatos . +1 I think it's better if all cheating is eliminated rather than enforcing more severe punishments.
  11. 1423
  12. Noted.
  13. Download this and extract it into your Fro Folder,then patch if you need to , after that it should work.
  14. No it was only available through the Halloween bag from last year.
  15. How would resetting the ranks increase the unnattractiveness? It would probably do the exact opposite and increase the attractiveness. I really think it would be cool if there was prizes sorta dedicated to that where if you were top 1-3 in a month or every two weeks you would get a prize and every month it would reset. Something similar to the PvP Ladder.
  16. 1414
  17. Seraphine

    Haii :3

    Hi welcome to the server! Hope you enjoy your stay , feel free to pm a gm on the forums or @Request ingame for a gm if you have any question. [=
  18. 1411
  19. 1402
  20. 1398
  21. 1391
  22. Seraphine

    Forsaken Gun

    Topic here This was already accepted. Closing and moving this to accepted .
  23. Welcome back! [= If you have any questions you can pm me on the forums or @request in game for a gm.
  24. 1385!
  25. You all amaze me with your entries. Good job. [=
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