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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Seraphine

  1. Been a long time since the last response,assuming the problem is fixed.Closing this.
  2. Champions add 30%hp,Paladins add 30%,High Wizards add 60%,Stalkers add 60%. These are all the proper amounts that should be added for each class(They were fixed,before they were adding the incorrect amount meaning alot more then they should) So theirs nothing wrong with the card.
  3. I really don't understand why you guys are trying to push the fact like stalkers need new weapon immediately,obviously it's not a big matter,but I'm not going to bother arguing when i'm already agreeing with you guys.
  4. What do you mean by that the only classes that don't have Valkyrie weapons is Taekwon and Star Gladiator.
  5. I'm sure all of you know stalkers win nearly every Last man Standing if there is one,and the others don't have dedicated geared creators to fcp them,they have 20% reduction on their bow as well(which no other class has except wizes who have 10%) Yes stalkers can be easily countered,yes they could probably use another build,again like i said it's not important but it could be done. Agreed +1
  6. So because there un-killable the damage has to be reduced to nothing? If you did that ninja's would be useless :/ All sinx builds are mostly Strength or Dex based,If you went int build using Lokis blades you will never kill anyone with it still,only if you catch them off guard with Thanatos card.What i'm trying to get at is Stalkers are in no way the worst class and giving them a new weapon isn't the most important thing.
  7. The classs is still quite killable in no way are they are overpowered.The only way Kunai does 30k is if it's Thanatos card. Most classes only get one opportunity,and stalkers are in no way in dire of another build,like i said it couldn't hurt but to me it's not a top priority.
  8. Thor's Hammer-Theirs already a card that autocasts pneuma i don't see a reason to change it,it's fine as it is. Tyr's Shuriken-If it was lowered by that much the damage wouldn't do anything at all,right now it does about 7k-10k Gun slinger bullets- Don't know what your suggesting here but to me it looks like source editing. Stalker Sword-Stalkers have a wide range of variety already so this really isn't a top priorty. Any editing of a skill is source editing so changing backstab wouldn't be possible.
  9. Seraphine


    A Macro is basically a key on special keyboards which allows you to reproduce a series of actions by only hitting 1 button.Such as if you got 7 Sonic blows on someone you could record that and reproduce it by hitting the macro button you assigned to it.
  10. Seraphine


    Guide here
  11. Seraphine


    I actually just went back and saw this but this was already rejected for clown/gypsies. Topic link
  12. Seraphine


    The patch shouldn't be erroring anyone as of now.But i'll keep an eye out for it. [=
  13. Yeah this is a really good direction to be going in. Good job everyone [=
  14. Don't think it would be too hard too add those two then and shouldn't be too much of a big deal. Agree!
  15. Honestly at this point all your doing is complaining and nothing else.Theirs new weapons because the server has to run somehow,it has to be paid through something the admins can't be forking out there own money to pay for the server(because that's unrealistic). I don't see why your blatantly telling Genesis he isn't doing his job when he does one of the best jobs on all the private servers.If you'r not willing to do any work to progress further and become stronger and only stick with elite weapons then so be it,but things move on ,every thing changes,it's called evolution.This suggestion isn't really a suggestion if all that's getting done is a bunch of complaining and ranting.
  16. I never said anything about other classes all i'm saying is if every class got every thing they wanted things wouldn't be balanced,honestly why can't we give every class link then? why are priests so special? That would be overpowered if priests could get link with a few hits to people,in my opinion priests do pretty good right now.
  17. Closing this now.
  18. I'm glad everything's fixed.[= If you are getting more problems feel free to make another topic.
  19. Welcome to the server!Sorry for being a bit late about it.
  20. If every class got what they wanted things would be imbalanced.
  21. I disagree with being able to get link at 2% chance really you should get link on your own(if priests get link every other class will want link),along with that i feel priest is a support class so it's not really meant to kill other classes.
  22. Seraphine


    I was erroring from that about a week ago but Ryuk's files fixed it for me.Not sure why your continuing to error though.
  23. The support section i don't think is the place for this,but you could post this in the Forsaken Online Discussion section. [=
  24. -Closed-
  25. Agree sounds like a good idea and i don't think it would be to hard to be done,also theirs no real down side to doing this.
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