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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Seraphine

  1. False. The person below me is rich(in-game or real life)
  2. Seraphine


    This isn't a suggestion. Moving this to Forsaken Ragnarok Online Discussion.
  3. Increasing there magic attack could be a start, and maybe buffing there hp by some as well on the Soul Linker Valkyrie Weapon of course.
  4. False. The person below me owns a car.
  5. Closing this ,assuming the problem has been fixed.
  6. True. The person below me went to the mall today.
  7. @ Acetrainer Please don't spread false information about the server , and the servers population isn't decreasing, rather the opposite it's increasing steadily.
  8. Closed by request.
  9. This was already suggested and accepted here : Accepted Suggestion
  10. True. The person below me plays more than 5 hours of Ragnarok per day.
  11. We already know about this issue and it will be fixed in the next update. Thanks for reporting it to us anyway. [=
  12. False. The person below me likes apples.
  13. True. The person below me lives in Canada.
  14. Thanks Noir i needed some more anime to watch since i ran out of ones to watch D:
  15. True The person below me has a Bf/Gf .
  16. Closed.
  17. Donations aren't automatically processed there done by an Admin so it can take anywhere from 1-2days more or less. If you still haven't gotten your donations by then feel free to make a ticket about it.
  18. How long ago did you donate? You should receive them within 1-2days from time of purchase.
  19. Try not to revive old topics please.
  20. 1444
  21. Depends what it is but sure :O

  22. Seraphine


    Try this You could also try going to the Razer website and getting help from there. Razer website
  23. 1436
  24. I closed it for a reason as Veracity stated.
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