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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Seraphine

  1. 1550
  2. Seraphine

    Pvp Rooms

    Doesn't need to be added it makes it alot easier for players to be able to watch pvp while dead and check if theirs any possible cheaters. Obviously if someones alive the person who's cheating wouldn't cheat when he's there and most likely will ignore the dead character especially if a random character is used.
  3. Yeah i handle the pvp ladder. You can contact me through msn : [email protected] or through forum pm's, and in-game if you catch me online.

  4. Seraphine

    Hi Niggs

    I think about 4-6 large guilds currently woe along with a few small only breaker guilds(not defenders) not really sure haven't been on alot recently. 3rd jobs are not implemented due to them not being balanced.However third job sprites have been implemented. Guide on how to install 3rd job sprites here We do not currently have a Ventrilo as not alot of people used it so it was shut down. Hope that helps . [=
  5. Damage is the same as it has been for awhile(it's at 100% now i believe?) the only time it was modified when it was at 200%(when the weapons just came out) and it was insanely Op so it was changed to 100% .
  6. Seraphine

    Hi :)

    Hi! Welcome to the server. Hope you enjoy your stay with us. If you have any questions feel free to contact a Gm through msn,forum pm's, or in-game by using @request. P.S I added the link to download fRo on your status. [=
  7. 1547
  8. 1545
  9. 1543
  10. 1541
  11. 1539
  12. 1537
  13. Oh whoops. All fixed now. Thanks, Sensation . [=
  14. 1534
  15. If you would like to know what your ping to the server or another website/game is, here's how you do it! Step 1: Click the windows icon(Start) at the bottom left of your screen. Step 2: Type cmd in the search bar. Step 3: Type ping forsakenserver.net or any other game-server/website, an average in ms (Milliseconds) should come up, and that's your ping. Hope this helps. [=
  16. Disable any firewalls, restart your router,if your connection is disconnecting you either live far away from the server(really far away) or your connection is unstable . Also what's your ping? go Start>type cmd> ping forsaken-ro.net , and it should give you an average time it takes for your connection to reach the server in ms(milliseconds)
  17. 1532
  18. Seraphine


    Please make a ticket regarding this issue.
  19. Question has been answered,closing this. If you have any further questions feel free to make another topic. [=
  20. 1530
  21. 1528
  22. Hey. Welcome to the server. A couple of good quests would be the Sun/Moon Aura ,really good beginner aura. You could also do the F.Soldier quest which when you complete the quest the set of equipment you get is less than the elite one but it's a good start so you can progress. The Mouth piece quest or the Quest ruck sack( located in the quest room, right side of fcity(@Go 25) in the large building) Hope that helps, if you have any further questions feel free to pm me or another Gm. [=
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