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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Seraphine

  1. ^ Agreed I hope everyone realizes this , everyone who contributes to the server in anyway does this out of there FREE TIME of there own will . The least that could happen is show just a little appreciation and respect for the contributors of the server. I find it rather disgusting over some of the negative, and bashful comments towards the server just over this issue.
  2. The voting center is currently down, it's being re-written. It should be up as soon as possible and compensation will be provided for the time it was down.
  3. Guys, it's +3 all stats. I don't really see why or how this is such a big deal but it seems to have become one. +3 stats in no way will kill your build since everyone's builds will now be adjusted to compensate for the minus 3 stat loss for those who had a Golden Valkyrie Helm and didn't have an Imperial helm. 3 stats gives you a minor, a very minor advantage over another player and is no way a game breaker, like Genesis said the Balloons make up for +2 of the stats so your only loosing +1 on your stats if the other player doesn't have a Balloon . I also don't get why everyone is saying "remove them their useless now" there's no real point to doing that when the players who had a Golden Valkyrie Helm would loose even more. Let me quote Genesis here: My advice the less everyone complains the more of a chance you might get compensation for your Golden Valkyrie Helm in whatever form that may be .
  4. Just a reminder you have until today(sunday) midnight server time to vote.
  5. 1668
  6. 1665
  7. The topic maker made a ticket about the issues, so closing this.
  8. Closing this.
  9. It says that when another party goes into the tower as there can only be 1 party in endless tower at a time. You can enter any time as long as no other party is in it.
  10. 1663
  11. I'm assuming your question's have been answered,so closing this. Feel free to make another topic if you have any further questions. [=
  12. Yeah Doppelganger doesn't affect larger weapons as much or at all like pikes,spears, etcetera. I made a ticket about the error on the wiki it will be fixed as soon as possible. I'm assuming all your questions have been answered and closing this. [= Feel free to make another topic or pm me if you have any further questions.
  13. Awesome! I've been waiting for Woe 2.0 for awhile now.
  14. System Of A Down - Chop Suey
  15. 1661
  16. Could you copy what the error says here?
  17. That description is wrong, the in-game one is different and correct i also just checked this out on my Professor the damage is far from being 50% more with magic and is only about 10% more as the card says. About the Doppelganger card as far as i'm aware there are no bugs with it, but if you use it on a weapon type like a spear the aspd bonus doesn't really come into play, for now we'll wait until it can be confirmed though. [=
  18. 1655
  19. 1653
  20. 1650
  21. Crashed? Never had that happen before. Does it work now?
  22. Remember voting will be closing Sunday October 2nd midnight server time , so get any last votes in as soon as possible!
  23. Seraphine

    Greetings (:

    Hello and welcome back to the server! If you have any questions feel free to let me or another Gm know by forum pm's, msn , or in-game using @request .
  24. We're already aware of this and they should be fixed in the next patch. Thanks for letting us know though! [=
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