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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Decode

  1. That moment when you realize that next semester you will have way too much free time!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zeal


      Party party party.

    3. Rayray


      The only time you will be excited about school lol

    4. Decode
  2. Welcome back!
  3. False. TPBM is smiling right now.
  4. Welcome back!
  5. Depends on what you ask me to do, I do... TPBM likes to play tennis.
  6. Normally it happens when your Ro's client resolution is higher than your computers. Open your Setup.exe on your Ro folder and check that the resolution set to it is the same or lower than the current resolution of your monitor on Windows appearance settings.
  7. 383
  8. Now I know how it feels when I suggest a player to delete the Patch.inf file to repatch from scratch "way too annoying"... I would like to apologize for making you do so if I've ever told you to... even though it is better that downloading the whole game again.

    1. Levis


      Don't worry =]

    2. Bishop


      Just download the manual patch ? Faster, easier, same effect. :)

    3. Decode


      On it Bishop :] TY

  9. Just to point it out, this topic should have been posted under the support section of the forums, just in case it happens again.
  10. I think you have created this topic in the wrong section. But I will try to answer that question as easy and clear as I can. We do not have 3rd Jobs here to keep the balance of the game plus to evade some bugs that it might bring to implement the 3rd Jobs. Assuming that you are new to this server, if you get used to the type and the way PvP is here you will understand what I'm talking about. Side note: I could be wrong on the answer on why there is no 3rd jobs, if I am anyone can feel free to correct me. Decode.
  11. After 3 days of literally no sleep, I finally got to sleep 6 hours last night... It felt like years!!!!! <3

  12. Mithril coins as a prize is way too much, I would say Bronze coins as top for a prize... And since the prize is zeny I don't think such event wouldn't be a hard event, more like an automated event. I will stay neutral for now, first is to discuss what event do you have in mind and renegotiate the prize.
  13. 289
  14. Now that I quit, found some free time out of nowhere... great timing Decode GREAT TIMING!! -.-

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Decode


      Not sure if a comeback sign we will see.

    3. Meka Meka

      Meka Meka

      That's how it always happens :)

    4. Genesis


      You can always reapply/come back.

  15. Good luck to everyone!
  16. 262
  17. That is your point of view sir, I would love to slot some of the non slotted hats I have. I think I like the idea and as Genesis stated the chances to get the items slotted are very low which makes it risky so I will +1 the suggestion.
  18. Developing app for Windows Phone 7.1, let's see what comes of it.

  19. If you are 100% sure that your Ro is fully patched and that you are not running Fro along side any other Ro server. Delete your Patch.inf file and run your patcher, it should do a repatch from scratch, I would recommend to copy it to a different folder as a back up just in case anything goes wrong. Keep us updated please.
  20. Decode


    It has been answered already I will categorize this thread as solved and close it. If you have any further questions feel free to make a new topic.
  21. True TPBM is graduated from college.
  22. Agree with the suggestion, there needs to be a way to stop people from sneaking away from battles in the PvP room.
  23. False TPBM crashed his/her parents car.
  24. Did Perishable and Levis answered your question already or you would like more input on the matter?
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