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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Decode

  1. That moment when you just start programming to distract your mind... Works

  2. False. TPBM believes that tomorrow will be a better day!!
  3. 1958
  4. As for right now True. TPBM lives in Europe.
  5. Adding 2 to 3 more events of the same, would in the best case just hurt the economy of the server. In my opinion just simply moving one of the events per week to a different time would be a good option. For example, taking the Monday's Battle Royale and host it at 12PM Server time, and the Tuesday's Guild vs Guild to a similar time.
  6. Back to the cold Q_Q

  7. It will be illegal to have my iPad Jailbroken Q_Q... Mom I got you a new gift!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Decode


      Mine as well, but there is this new law or something, that says that jailbreaking a tablet is illegal. However, jailbreaking a iPhone or iPod is not illegal -_-

    3. thePast
    4. Rayray


      why would anyone pass a law like that O_O

  8. What does the Knight Master NPC says, when you talk to him?
  9. False, I'd rather have a coke, but since I am not the person above you *run*(>*_*)>*run* TPBM is happy today.
  10. I was about to suggest something, like Shadi on his previous post, only that he made it even better. I really like the idea of making a quest with the PvP wings as a requirement, perhaps for Storyline Volume 3, or just a quest that everyone has access to.
  11. This will be looked into I will let one of the higher up GMs know about this. I will leave this topic opened until there is a possible solution to this.
  12. If I am not mistaken, you must take the books first to the Knight master, and then he will tell you to go to the librarian and deliver them.
  13. Decode

    Fun In Fro

    D: I wish I was there, it seemed so fun!!
  14. The file name is Patch and the extension is .inf. It should be in your fro folder.
  15. First try reseting your characters look and position on the server's control panel: http://forsaken-ro.net/cp Second: if you are still erroring, go to your Fro's folder and delete the patch.inf file, run your patcher and let it fully patch the game. Keep us updated on this.
  16. Currently downloading the last All-In-One, perhaps this will fix the problem. :]

    1. Bishop


      Which problem ? O.o

  17. You are very welcome, I will be closing this topic now. Have fun playing!
  18. It is good that you can survive without having to use your homunculus desperately however this is a bug that will have to be looked into. Thanks for your report, we will work to try to fix it as soon as possible.
  19. Hi and welcome to the server, I hope that you have fun with us. We have a perfect guide to get you started with the server, here is a link to it: Getting Started Guide If you have any question feel free to contact me or any member of the GM team, we will be pleased to help you.
  20. In order to make it full screen you must go to your setup.exe on you fro folder, and check the full screen checkbox, and hit ok. That should solve your problem :D. Make sure that this kind of topics go under the support section next time.
  21. Make sure that if you look back in the past, it is to smile at it.

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