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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Decode

  1. I know right, I think there was a suggestion with all different mounts for different classes including GS on a bike, but I cannot find it. Now on topic, I would like to see this. Plus this could help the walk speed for the GS, they walk like in slow motion. Not as fast as Lord knights and Palladins but a bit faster than they walk now.
  2. Oh nice work, that should help a lot while the wiki is being worked on!
  3. 1851
  4. Hi and Welcome to this your fRo forums!!! :P
  5. True The person bellow me is sexy and he/she knows it.
  6. 1835
  7. Decode

    Pink Emp?

    I don't consider that a great idea to just give away one of the coolest emps as a who stays on the longest. Activity tokens and mini games tokens where never meant to make you pro, they were meant to be as a way to thank the community for being so active on our server. Disagree.
  8. Decode


    It is more like a default network time out, it happens to me as well sometimes, and to be honest I haven't found a way to solve it "Most likely because I server searched for a solution but yeah", I really don't know how to fix that. I guess it has something to do with the Net fluctuation (that's just a theory).
  9. Decode


    This should solve the problem, on the option where it asks to what to do when it closes the lid you just change it to do nothing.
  10. 1828
  11. 1813
  12. Decode

    Visiting ^^

    Welcome back!! :]
  13. Welcome Back Yeung!!
  14. 1799
  15. Agreed!!
  16. This totally shows that people don't learn from their mistakes!!!
  17. This is totally crazy, how can be movies like that out there. I'm serious with this, the writer of that movie should be in jail, he could be a potential killer!!
  18. 1765
  19. Seraphine is right, I'm not saying that your idea is completely useless or that has no meaning, that's not want I intent to do. I am just saying that code wise it would be too much time consuming and at some point we will have to do some source edit to accomplish the use of this new "command" you are suggesting here.
  20. Decode


    Yeah that's the solution to this problem for the mean time as veracity said on the topic, you will have to change the Link because we have some problems with the redirecting system at the moment.
  21. 1762
  22. Oh well, that sounds different than how I had figured it out in my mind. Then I guess that might help out, good luck with the suggestion!
  23. 1755
  24. I really don't see the need for this right now. There are many other things that we should worry about like pending bugs and up coming updates. This sounds like a really time consuming project. -1;
  25. First of all Edu, don't you think that if everyone starts to say what different class should get a HP Boost and which doesn't, this topic should get out of purpose quite easy. For example if now I say that X class needs a boost because of Y and Z reasons, I won't give my opinion about your suggestion for clowns. So what we will have here is a list of all the classes that the community thinks that should get a boost, and we won't have any argument from the community from one clear and straight topic, just different ideas about different classes (topics). _________________________________________________________________________________ Now on the topic, It has been a while since I don't play Clown, but I always thought that clown could use some more HP since all that you said is true, they are vulnerable to a 1 shot asura, and if they go on reducts items the HP goes even lower. I know that some people might disagree claiming that a well played clown is some kind of war machine, I agree with that the clowns are good, but leave them behind just because of that is just not fair. So +1 the suggestion.
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