Well Shield, as you I had some "illegal" information stored on my megaupload account books, programs and games are some of the kind of files to mention. I really hated that moment when I saw that megaupload was closed by the FBI, for me it was the best download sharing page out there.
What can I say about SOPA and PIPA but that I'm against both of those rules, because what they seek is to basically destroy the internet as we know it now a days.
About Lulz and Anon, do I think that it is the right way to fight back? yes and no. Yes, because basically I find that it's the most lets say "peaceful" way to fight back... That is just one of my arguments. And no because using the internet in such meaning, it shows those persons that do not have the knowledge about how the internet works and knowing that it is free, it makes them think that internet needs some sort of limits or boundaries so it's not used as a weapon.