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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Decode

  1. Decode

    Need A Tech Geek.

    I'm sorry you had to go with that choice. :s
  2. I will close this topic, assuming that it has been solved, if you encounter any other sort of problem feel free to make a new topic in this section.
  3. Decode


    Welcome to the community, if you have any question feel free to PM me.
  4. Decode

    Need A Tech Geek.

    First of all you have to know what is svchost.exe. svchost is the service that takes care and control the services that work from dlls or (dynamic-link libraries). svchost starts up with windows and with it loads all the services it needs from the windows registry. Sometimes if your registry isn't well organized it could make the svchost drain your pc resources looking for the right files, to clean your registry and arranging it I recommend "Registry Booster" or "Ccleaner" and see if it solves your problem. Keep in mind that there are some viruses that take advantage of this name that could be of trouble and drain your resources. Some of those viruses are: scvhost.exe: It is installed by the W32/Agobot-S virus. It is a backdoor IRC troyan, it copies itself by taking advantage of the shared resources with a weak password. svchosts.exe: It is installed by the Sdbot-N virus. It is a backdoor troyan that lets a remote user control our PC by IRC. svshost.exe: It is installed by the Worm.P2P.Spybot.gen virus.
  5. Decode


    Well Shield, as you I had some "illegal" information stored on my megaupload account books, programs and games are some of the kind of files to mention. I really hated that moment when I saw that megaupload was closed by the FBI, for me it was the best download sharing page out there. What can I say about SOPA and PIPA but that I'm against both of those rules, because what they seek is to basically destroy the internet as we know it now a days. About Lulz and Anon, do I think that it is the right way to fight back? yes and no. Yes, because basically I find that it's the most lets say "peaceful" way to fight back... That is just one of my arguments. And no because using the internet in such meaning, it shows those persons that do not have the knowledge about how the internet works and knowing that it is free, it makes them think that internet needs some sort of limits or boundaries so it's not used as a weapon.
  6. Decode

    Gm Schedules

    Waiting for my next term schedule, I will post my schedule as soon as possible.
  7. Let us know if you encountered any problem doing what Xtopher told you, I will leave this topic open for a day or two.
  8. Hm, I believe that it could be a bug but I'm not 100% sure, I think the drop rate was reduced from 100% to 10% but again, I'm not 100% sure I will check that out later.
  9. Decode


    Welcome to the server, if you have any question feel to ask me, hope you enjoy your stay with us! :]
  10. Let us know if that solved your problem.
  11. 2138
  12. Guess who's back!! :]

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Nelly


      Welcome Back Decode <3

    3. Xtopher


      So, who is Decode again?

    4. Decode


      Thank you Nelly and @Xtopher: I have no clue, I guess it's that guy that thinks he is the great thing.

  13. Updated as for 01/17/12
  14. Don't look at the post number, like it was said before some other sort of posts made the post number and the actual counting number be different, just check the number posted by the player who posted before you. 2134
  15. Decode


    I will close this topic, assuming that your problem was solved by Ryuk's files. If you encounter any other issue feel free to make a new topic.
  16. Are you still having this problem?
  17. Closing this topic, considering that everything is solved now. If you encounter any other sort of problems, feel free to make a new topic.
  18. Closing this topic. Thank you Seraphine for your help. Old Navy if you encounter any other problem feel free to make another topic, we will be pleased to help you.
  19. I agree with this suggestion. Reason: Basically what you said is completely valid, if you go on a nd pvp prof you are just able to rely on your magic skills and the hope to strip those GTB users.
  20. False, I was going to say something more like Odd-ish... O_o Oh my god the POKEMON!! Let's keep it on track so, the person below me used to play pokemon for gameboy color!
  21. I believe everything has been answered already. Defiant, if you encounter any other problem or have any other question feel free to make a new topic.
  22. The vote redeem system has been removed in the last update, that is why you aren't able to redeem your vote tokens. If you already have some vote tokens, we shall let you know what to do with them later in the updates section.
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