I played prof for quite a while, and I guess it has been told before, you just need 3 kiels 195 aspd and your SC spam is good to go, sometimes I used 2 kiels and it was ok. No need to reduce the aftercast delay. And it doesn't matter if it is Wizard, Prof or Soul Linkers who uses SC you will always get the same aftercast delay with the right stats and cards.
About the cards, I will try to explain it this way. I can't imagine walking around for_fild01 and get hit by mistake by a wizard's SG and get my shield divested, I would kill that wizard right away >.<. If you notice wizards do not have a good fame when they start spamming their AoE skills, you can get the whole field against you, now imagine that you are also divesting their shields and weapons, I would say that you will get the whole server against you and you will see Broadcasts all over the place with the following message: "Another Wizard Divesting in for_fild01 go get him"... Now to be serious it includes source editing and as it has been said before most of them do not stand the risk it could cause to the server.
I would like to say that this one doesn't includes source editing if it is done correctly.
We could just add a "section" on the cards effect where it buffs the damage of a certain skill that just applies for Wizards.
Now my opinion. I was going to quote Dudu's answer here but let's make it my way... I consider wizards have quite enough damage if you know how to get the right equips and cards, I don't see the need to buff their already good damage if well played.
Has been suggested hundreds of times and always rejected. Simply because most part of the community wants it as it is.
Well they could use a buff on the SC damage.
Side note: This post is not meant to bash your suggestion or anyone's opinion about this, this is just my point of view with some try of jokes and personality.