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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Decode

  1. Yeah :D hope you can get to your old state soon, and I will be your friend too :D!
  2. Depends on what kind of champ do you want. Full asura? TSS? Hybrid?
  3. Decode


    Well basically you are getting so much damage from people because you are wearing an Elite Shield Vs Donation Damage, it is hard to counter that, even more if you just have 1 Fcloak. I think the problem you are facing with your damage is that, you are hitting people with an Elite Staff and the damage is not comparable with the Wiz Highness, maybe you could try your damage with a Non-Donation geared player, I think that it will show the actual damage you should be doing if you were facing someone from the same line.
  4. Next time just show strenght

  5. Decode


    Hm, I don't think if that is possible to be added, like to integrate a whole programming language to the forums or actually making a whole IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Ro, it would take quite a lot, not even eAthena has one as far as I know. What I could thing is of a forum section where players can upload or share their coding with the community more like about some suggestions. For example: I make a suggestion about GvG, and in my suggestion I say that as soon as the players clic the GvG NPC they are divided in different areas according to their guilds. Now in the coding section I go like or anyone can do this, make a topic called "Possible coding of Decode's GvG suggestion" and post his/her code there and basically GMs check it out and share our opinions and consider the changes that has to be done to the code or if it is good to go and implement it. About that players can't give support it is more like we have the Support section of the forums. The ticket system is private because it contains personal information of the players, and it is under each GM hands to keep that information personal. So yeah I consider that it is enough to have the support section public where everyone can help if they feel like it or share a possible solution to a problem they previously had.
  6. I like it, I wonder if that can be done. Will go on a research right now!.
  7. I could agree with Sorrow, more HP and maybe more damage cards for selective skills. I would add there the boost on SC the same way Prof got it. I really don't follow you when you say that the only way a wizard can kill is when the player is AFK, Wizards have a lot to do and a lot to give in PvP, you can't expect a 1 hit kill for every class, every class has it down sides and that is what keeps the balance. Like Bishop said switching gear is mandatory for most of the classes if not all of them while PvP'ing. I shall say that it takes time to actually nail a class and get the right tactics and equipment, wizards is not the difference.
  8. Just so it is not left in the dark. I took some Screenshots of an LMS which I found great with the effects and everything. Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3
  9. It was meant to be that way. If you want to make a suggestion feel free to do so. I will close this topic now.
  10. Decode


    Moving this topic to the right place. Suggestions.
  11. Welcome back to the server. Hope you have a great gaming experience.
  12. I played prof for quite a while, and I guess it has been told before, you just need 3 kiels 195 aspd and your SC spam is good to go, sometimes I used 2 kiels and it was ok. No need to reduce the aftercast delay. And it doesn't matter if it is Wizard, Prof or Soul Linkers who uses SC you will always get the same aftercast delay with the right stats and cards. About the cards, I will try to explain it this way. I can't imagine walking around for_fild01 and get hit by mistake by a wizard's SG and get my shield divested, I would kill that wizard right away >.<. If you notice wizards do not have a good fame when they start spamming their AoE skills, you can get the whole field against you, now imagine that you are also divesting their shields and weapons, I would say that you will get the whole server against you and you will see Broadcasts all over the place with the following message: "Another Wizard Divesting in for_fild01 go get him"... Now to be serious it includes source editing and as it has been said before most of them do not stand the risk it could cause to the server. I would like to say that this one doesn't includes source editing if it is done correctly. We could just add a "section" on the cards effect where it buffs the damage of a certain skill that just applies for Wizards. Now my opinion. I was going to quote Dudu's answer here but let's make it my way... I consider wizards have quite enough damage if you know how to get the right equips and cards, I don't see the need to buff their already good damage if well played. Has been suggested hundreds of times and always rejected. Simply because most part of the community wants it as it is. Well they could use a buff on the SC damage. Side note: This post is not meant to bash your suggestion or anyone's opinion about this, this is just my point of view with some try of jokes and personality.
  13. Decode


    Hi we are sorry about this. Yeah it is being worked on still, unfortunately we do not have an estimated time on when the coder will finish it up, but we will make it so you get twice the Vote Tokens for the same amount of time it was down, so basically you won't lose any token.
  14. Here I am, Coding like a hurricane!!

    1. Kittie


      Are you hurrican Irene

    2. Lyris
    3. Decode


      @Kittie: No, I would never cause so much damage.

      @Lyris: Nuh Don't run from me!!

  15. I am not a really good fan of animes I am like the most outdated person anime wise, I think I will add those titles you suggested to my TODO list or might say TOWATCH.
  16. False The person below me likes singing in the bathroom!
  17. Any update about this?
  18. 1442
  19. Decode

    Support Forum Tags

    I will pin this for the knowledge of everyone.
  20. Any update with this issue? Please keep us updated if what Seraphine told you to do solved the problem, or if you are still encountering the same problem. Thank you.
  21. I consider this is solved already. A quick resume for the player: Your suggestion was closed and sent to rejected suggestions, for the simple reason that it included source editing and if you look up in the Suggestion forums rules you shall see that you should not suggest anything that requires source coding or editing as Veracity stated. Thank you for your understanding, don't see this as if we did not like your suggestion, I myself consider it is a good suggestion but it is against the rules of the suggestion topic since we won't do source editing. Hope to see you around the suggestion topic some other time with some new suggestions to help the server improve :]. Closing this topic and setting it as solved.
  22. 1439
  23. Decode

    Event Replacement

    I find this a good idea for the meantime, and we could make LTS like a mandatory event for a while plus give it a buff on the amount of tokens that are given away to each player as a reward. I +1 this suggestion.
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