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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Decode

  1. Decode

    I'm High

    So Random ...?
  2. Welcome to the server Olethea, wish that you get the best of the experiences here on our server... If you got any question feel free to @request it or PM a GM in the forums we will be delighted to help you with anything.
  3. All I can say is HAHAHAHAHAH that is so sad for them and so flattering for us, it means that our server is doing everything what others server want to be, great job to everyone that makes this great sprites, websites, scripts and everything that makes this server as awesome as it is.
  4. Decode

    Harry Potter

    I really enjoyed the movie, covered most of the details explained in the book plus the action and effects were nice... So bad this movie sets the end of such great story what's next is left to our imagination.
  5. 1289
  6. Congrats.
  7. 1287
  8. I think you guys should take this to a suggestion instead of start denigrating the hard work of some people that just try to make your experience in the server better. Plus please keep the good manners in this topic.
  9. Use your weakness as your shield so they can't be used against you.

  10. Good change shall I say.
  11. As far as I know the only thing is that Goldenring and FBH cards do not stack. If it is because of the amount of buff it gives that the server do not handle it or if it was made to work that way I don't know, I just know that they do no stack.
  12. Decode


    Already read everything. First of I am so sorry for not being active lately, I have my reasons which I have if I am not mistaken posted in a topic in the GM Discussion forums, and for the next week or so I won't be able to log in game either, since I am way too busy. If any Senior GM or any other higher up GM needs more explanations about my situation feel free to hit me up on MSN or forums and I will freely explain everything.
  13. Awesome update. Great job to everyone that helped with this.
  14. Hey welcome back to the server. Wish you enjoy your stay.
  15. Decode

    Read This

    This topic has nothing related to fro discussions or anything between those lines. Moved to Rants section.
  16. Decode

    Must Read!

    Added you guys to my legit. ([email protected])
  17. I looked down and got lost, looked up and saw you, followed you, cried and cried and then held on, I stopped but at that moment I died, called who ignored me, forgave who hurt me, and gifted everything to those who robbed me, then I ran back in time and found myself, but when I saw who I really was I got disappointed of myself, broke my promises and failed, tried to recover and pray, then I erased all my plans and started all over again.

  18. 1262
  19. Decode


    Great movie as I expected, was worth every penny... If you like action movies I totally recommend transformers 3.
  20. Decode

    Soo Sad

    I agree with you, and what they are doing is a violation to the copyrights.
  21. Decode


    If I get a nice party to Vent with I would join.
  22. 1248
  23. Decode

    Please Read

  24. Good luck to all those who applied to become GMs.

  25. Got it.
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