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Forsaken Elder
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Decode last won the day on April 9 2013

Decode had the most liked content!

About Decode

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    Recursion Land

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    ForsakenRO GM Team

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19905 profile views

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Legend (7/10)



  1. HBD Fro. Awesome update guys.
  2. Good bye everyone, Decode GMing days have come to an end, I loved hosting events for you guys. I will miss you all!! <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bishop


      Shame to see you go, though I understand the reasoning. Goodluck with what you are up to and I hope to see you around :).

    3. ScarletDevilmoon


      Awwwww D: another GM off my list for now :( anyways take care :3

    4. Victoria


      Bye [GM]Decode! we are gonna miss ya! :3 God Bless! :D

  3. I'm back!!! >:O

    1. ScarletDevilmoon


      Welcome back now your back on the list to be hunted :3

    2. AizenPreY024


      Welcome Back =)

    3. Rayray


      Welcome Back :)

  4. I believe your problem is solved already, I will be closing this topic now. If you encounter any other problem, feel free to make a new topic.
  5. Note to self: When programming for mobile devices, you just do not worry about efficiency, you really have to worry about it.

  6. Almost done with finals!!!!

  7. Decode

    Id Blocked

    Like Victoria said above, you must fill a ticket on the ticket system and we will do our best to help you.
  8. Good luck those who will apply to become a GM, make sure that you decode that application properly and execute your task.
  9. Yes, you can keep casting Aspercio as many times you want and as much SP you have.
  10. I want a Software Development Internship this summer, but so far it has been a pain to find a good one!! Q_Q

    1. thePast
    2. Rayray


      I knew how hard that is too :( I mean, I got an internship in an IT company and they made me serve coffee for a few weeks.

  11. Welcome to the server, I hope that you enjoy your stay with us. By the way, great map work, I really liked it, and like Veracity I too want to see some more of your work,
  12. As far as I am aware, the ROP as many custom items are under copyrights and can only be edited or modified by the owners unless the owner gives the consent to a third person to do so. I believe, that the administrators tried to contact the person who created the ROP on the first place when they encountered the problem, but could not get in touch with him, and instead of removing the aura from the server, they just made it so the champs could not use it. There are ways to make it so the sprite of the ROP do not show by modifying the server's grf file, however since it is modifying the source files of the server, it is not recommended. A possible solution to this would be to remove and change the ROP sprite from the server. If you have any possible sprite that could be used to replace the ROP current sprite, feel free to post it here and see what the community thinks of it.
  13. 2682
  14. No there is no professor book, only staff. Here is a list of all the legendary weapons and their skills: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=136
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