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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. I already responded to your ticket; however, for the benefit of others, I will say this here too: "It's not a bug, it's just the way it is coded. One of the 3 thieves will give you the needed response, there's a 1/4 or so chance of you getting the correct one. So you just have to keep trying and hope you will get lucky."
  2. Hello! First of all, welcome to the team! We're really happy to have new faces joining us and hope you all will work hard to better the server. It's especially important for you all to be hosting events, and lots of them! Every new GM should be hosting at least 1 event EVERY day! If you're not showing motivation and doing everything you can to be active, we will have no choice but to kick you very fast. If you are already hosting a lot, great work and keep it up! Out of lots of applicants, we chose you guys because we felt you would be the most active and helpful. If you're not going to be hosting events everyday, we'll have to give your position to one of the many other qualified applicants who would be more than happy to host.
  3. We're going to be hiring new GMs soon so more events will be hosted then.
  4. Haha, that would be cute. (: We could definitely look into doing that. Any other ideas?
  5. There's not one currently, but everyone can make suggestions for what the effect should be!
  6. We'll be adding a replacement quest for the Christmas one. It's not ideal, but due to the extenuating circumstances with the update and other issues, we have had no other choice but to do it this way. We're sorry for the inconvenience to those who started on the quest, however, you still will have a chance to obtain the headgears.
  7. No problem, happy to help! (:
  8. Yes, it is. That means it should have gone through. I removed the picture for you incase it contained any sensitive information. If you don't receive your donation within 24 hours, you can file a ticket or contact Genesis over MSN ([email protected]).
  9. I would recommend using Amazon, I believe they accept Mastercard, and they are the easiest/most convenient payment method. I've been looking online and I guess sometimes Mastercard won't work with AlertPay.
  10. Which payment method are you trying to use? (e.g., Money Bookers, Western Union, Amazon)
  11. - Accepted -
  12. We'll look into buffing the Soul Linker Highness staff. - Accepted -
  13. - Rejected -
  14. Veracity

    Taekwon Ranker

    We'll look into resetting the taekwon ranks this once, but it likely would not be reset regularly, if at all. - Accepted -
  15. - Rejected -
  16. We'll add this since we feel it will be beneficial to new players. - Accepted -
  17. We'll take these ideas into consideration for the next time we release Valkyrie Weapons.
  18. - Accepted -
  19. We'll look into either adding a @hatredreset command or maybe adding a Valkyrie Weapon for them if we can't do a hatred reset, but the weapon wouldn't be any time soon.
  20. Are you still having this issue?
  21. Since it's been weeks with no reply, I will go ahead and close this topic now. If this issue persists, please feel free to make another topic, file a ticket, or contact a staff member directly.
  22. I'm going to close this now since it's been over a week with no reply. If your issue persists, feel free to either make a new topic or contact Genesis.
  23. I'll go ahead and close this now, sorry we weren't able to help more!
  24. I believe Sensation already answered your question, but regardless, since the Christmas Quest has been disabled, I'll close this now. Hopefully you were able to resolve your issue!
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