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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. Definitely, it's been too long. (: - Accepted -
  2. Veracity


    I don't feel that this is really needed anymore. We've developed some things that will help these classes aside from this. (: - Rejected -
  3. Mostly everyone agreed in the other topic that boosting creator's hp was unnecessary. For the time being, I don't feel any changes for the creator class is necessary... there are other classes that need help more. (: - Rejected -
  4. We discussed adding more zeny, but I don't think it would be a good idea to increase it that much. People could always leach new characters and just take all of the zeny and transfer it to their main account. :/ I'm a little confused what you mean for the second part. Do you mean adding a warper in fcity that will take you right to the mall?
  5. Since almost everyone agrees, the delay of strip won't be changed. Especially now, stalkers do not need to rely solely on strip. It's not really necessary to change, and I think it's nice it gives dex-based classes a bit of help as well. - Rejected -
  6. We're not going to be boosting Tao for WS. The WS weapons we added do increase HP somewhat already, and we will be adding something else to help them out as well shortly. Stay tuned! - Rejected -
  7. To be honest, not sure whether or not this has been fixed or not already. I'll accept this regardless though because if it hasn't, it certainly should be. If it already has, then all the better. (: - Accepted -
  8. I think it's pretty unanimous that this shouldn't be changed. As others have said, you can always use FCP. - Rejected -
  9. Veracity

    Mvp Rucky

    We already have more than enough rucksacks. We will look into adding some items (like headgears) that drop from some monsters (possibly)... but not rucksacks, for sure. - Rejected -
  10. I definitely agree with you on that, Jerry. We've been working on some of the suggestions here (you'll have to wait for the next update to see which ones though! ;P) and one of the things we were a little uncertain of was the suggestion about the non-donation/non-custom farming area with pvp disabled. Since pvp is already disabled in fdun, is there any specific reason why this was suggested? Or is it just because ya'll want these mobs to drop different items (e.g. some of the things for the elite quests)? I'd really appreciate it if someone could clarify/elaborate on this. :) Also! Please keep the wonderful suggestions up. I really want to do as much as we possibly can to resolve this issue and make it easier for new players to start out here.
  11. I don't think there is any way real way to change what you're getting at. People are always going to sell better looking items for more because there is more demand for them and they know that people will buy them. Because all of the stats are the same, people are going to place more value on the appearance of an item and not its effects... that's just the way it is and will be, there is really no getting around that. This is more something that can be influenced by the players than by the administration, IMO. If you don't want people to charge too much, then don't buy it from them or sell at high prices. I have a limited understanding of economics so I may be off base here, please correct me if I'm wrong. But regardless of that, I don't think anything can be done about more value being placed on different recolors of items. About the Imperial Valk Helm itself: I'm with Ryuk that +5-7 stats is too much. IMO + all stats should really be avoided. We already have a lot of + all stats already, if you continue to add more to items, when new items are released they will have to be increased as well until one day you see +50 all stats on things like emp auroras and that is just a no. I don't think there is anyone who would be okay with that. People protested us doing this with Valkyrie weapons quite a bit and we were very careful about this, taking into account the strengths/weaknesses of each class, etc. and spent hours working on the effects. Not to mention these were only specific stats (eg. vit, dex, and so on) and not even all stats. All stats is just... scary. Sorry for the lengthy reply, lol. In short: I don't believe that there's anything that can be done about the varying prices of items based on color and +5-7 stats is too much. I think it's fine the way it is.
  12. Veracity


    Hi Moxie, welcome to fRO! I hope you'll love it here as much as the rest of us. (: The pvp here is a lot of fun, you'll find most people hanging out/pvping at for_fild01 (right below the main fcity map). We have a lot of customs available, too! One of the best things about fRO is how there are no donation exclusive items (we also have great vote items as well!). If you want some nice customs, I'd recommend farming yggs, edps, etc. and then selling them to players for donation coupons. This is a great guide you can look at to help you out while you're getting started. If you have any other questions while you're playing, you can always PM me, email me, or use @request in game to contact any of the GMs. Good luck and enjoy your time here! (:
  13. Veracity


    Hi and welcome to fRO! (: The rates are 6k/6k/100%, except MVP cards which are 10%. The max level is 255/255 and ASPD is 195 as Poringly said. You need to vote for fRO on both top sites (xtreme100 and gamesites top 200) to receive one vote point. You can vote here. We also have a special event going on at the moment where you can win a Nintendo DSi by participating in the Picture Request event! It's a lot of fun and I'd definitely recommend participating in it if you decide to join us. If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask! You can contact me through PM, email, or use @request in game to talk to myself or one of the other wonderful GMs we have here. Good luck and have fun!
  14. Veracity

    Woe 2.0

    I love the sounds of woe 2.0 and I'm excited that someone took all of the time to explain it so thoroughly and suggest it. I'd say it's pretty unanimous that everyone would like it to be added, too. Since Genesis has said it's possible, I don't see any reason not to accept this. Can we start discussing more specific details of Woe 2.0? Like how many castles do you guys want to have, 1 or 2 or what? Also, what do you think would be a good amount of HP for the guardian stones (keep in mind skills can be used on them, e.g. asura), emperium, etc.? I know it's hard to come to a conclusive decision for this as we haven't tested it yet, but it would be helpful to toss around some ideas about it and they can always be adjusted later if necessary. Also, what about ideas for drops?
  15. I like this idea, I'm all for making it easier for new players to get cards/equips/etc. and for encouraging people to vote. I'm not positive about the quantity of coupons though. If we could get more feedback from the community it would be nice. (: About the patcher pop up, I know it may be annoying but we are just trying to do everything we can to get people to vote. We have a lot of players, yet not a lot are voting still (or entering the code so it actually counts the vote). We should be able to maintain a position in the top 10, yet we're stuck in 11-12. :/
  16. Welcome to fRO! (: I'm sure you'll enjoy it here, it really is a great server. You'll find people are quite friendly and there's a fair share of events and things for you to do! If you're having trouble starting out, there's a helpful guide I would recommend by Kusanagi here. It really explains mostly everything you will need to know to play here. If you want to refer to any other guides, you can find an organized list of very helpful ones here. If you have any more questions, please feel free to email me, PM me, or use @request in game. Good luck and I hope you will enjoy playing here!
  17. - Rejected -
  18. So people know that the person is leaving? I don't know. It wasn't my decision to put it there, but I do know that posting abilities were removed to prevent drama.
  19. There are other ways to, you can always PM then or leave them a comment. If you were really good friends with them you would also probably have their MSN/AIM/whatever so you could always say bye that way. :)
  20. Yeah not to mention a lot of people just make farewell posts to get attention/cause drama and then they're back within weeks/months. As Cirrus already said, that's why they were removed and I completely agree with this decision.
  21. I don't really see the need to change it. It would require quite a bit of work to do, and it doesn't really make that much of a difference... it would just make things slightly easier. While this could change, for the time being this is... - Rejected -
  22. Acid Demo is fine the way that it is and does not need to be changed, especially since this would make biochemists significantly weaker... There are plenty of ways to counter biochemists. - Rejected -
  23. This would (maybe) encourage more people to use different aspects of the biochemist class... it certainly wouldn't hurt it any. I think this is a good idea especially since the marine spheres were buffed up recently. :) - Accepted -
  24. Veracity

    High Priest

    Unfortunately, this was changed in one of the updates from eA. We were not the ones who did this. That being said... there really isn't much we can do other than adding items/cards that will increase heal and sanctuary, which we have already done. I realize this is old so. :) - Rejected -
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