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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. I haven't seen the others, but Toy Story 3 was really good. It was so sad though, I actually cried lol. :sad:
  2. 728! *uncreative*
  3. 726!
  4. Bruce Willis is pretty awesome, I'll give you that! Lol.
  5. Yes, I know there was already a thread for this but it was closed awhile ago. So, what are ya'lls favorite movies and why? As for me, I prefer old movies (yes, black and white ones). One of my favorites would have to be It's a Wonderful Life. It's a touching movie that really shows how much we have but take for granted. If you haven't seen it, you really should watch it! (:
  6. 723! (:
  7. As a few players have said already, we should focus our time on improving weaker classes instead of dragging other ones down. Clown and gypsy are fine as they are. I do understand where many of the players are coming from about the tarot card, though. Unfortunately, there isn't anything that can be done about this at the moment as we are unable to make any skill/source edits. We are however going to buff the chance of coma on edge again, since a few people have brought that up in this topic too. As for the original suggestion, no alterations will be made at this time. - Rejected -
  8. Yeah we wouldn't do anything drastic since clowns are fine as they are now. It would just be a little better. Ya'll can feel free to post suggestions for what you would like its effects to be. (:
  9. We were working with what we had. There were only certain weapon sprites available at the time. We wouldn't release all of the weapons at the same time either... it's a lot of work. Just try to be patient. Also, read the new suggestion guidelines (it includes rules on posting in the suggestion forum as well). Discussing the LK weapon here isn't on topic at all. We know there are issues with weapons, please stop saying how "OP" they are.
  10. Veracity


    I like the idea as an event (we're always looking for new event ideas!), I just don't know about it as a testing room.
  11. Since it's been over a week, I'm going to go ahead and close this. Hopefully you found everything you needed to know. (:
  12. Everything will be cleared up in the next update. Please don't spread unconfirmed rumors.
  13. As everyone else has already said, we can't edit skills at this time, unfortunately. - Rejected -
  14. Veracity


    Is this really necessary? I'm not being disrespectful or anything, but I'm just asking if you really think this would be that helpful/worth it. Isn't part of what makes Woe interesting is the fact that some breakers are better than others? I don't know. Personally, I'm neutral on it. If someone else has the code for it and was willing to send it to Genesis, that's a different story. I just don't know how important it is or if it really makes sense to add it on this server. Just because it's doable doesn't mean it should be done.
  15. Yeah, I understand what you mean and that's fine. I just meant like discussing something totally different or really making a separate suggestion in a topic about something else. It's just when there's 5 different suggestions made in one topic it makes it a lot harder to accept because it gets so disorganized and I have to take a lot more time reading and thinking about it, that's all. It basically just slows me down a lot, other than that I don't mind it really. I just want to make things as efficient as possible. Thank you for pointing that out though, I'll edit it so it's hopefully more clear. (:
  16. I normally try to give new suggestions time to be discussed but I'm just going to reject this now. There is no way we can prevent this from being abused other than to make it so they are account bound. Making them tradable just isn't an option. If you guys want new event items, make a topic specifically for that and give us specific suggestions of what you think would be a "good" event item. We'll be more than happy to discuss it and take your ideas into consideration. (: - Rejected -
  17. Here are some basic rules/guidelines you need to know before posting suggestions. Any topics that do not follow these rules will automatically be rejected. You must put the specific thing you are suggesting in the title of your topic. It has to be to the point so we can tell what it is by looking at the title. Limit discussion in the topic to things relating to the original suggestion only. We understand other things will come up in the discussion but as long as it stays relatively on topic that's fine. (We'll give you a warning if the discussion strays off course.) Don't make multiple suggestions in one topic, especially if they are not stated in the original post. Make sure your suggestion is clear and that you back it up with solid reasoning. Be as specific as possible in your suggestion. (e.g., if you want a new item, suggest specific effects for it) Before posting, take into consideration how much work is required to do what you are suggesting and if it is actually worth the effort. Don't directly or indirectly attack the server/staff/updates in your suggestions. If you want to make your case heard, it's best to be polite and thoughtful. Fighting of any sort does not belong in suggestion topics. All posts should be relating to the suggestion. Do not suggest skill edits or anything that would require source editing. We know it's not ideal, but since it can't be done at this time, try to be creative and work around it (e.g., suggest item/card effects, etc.) If you want to suggest changes to the existing Valkyrie Weapons, make sure to post them here. Suggestions concerning these weapons in any other topics will be ignored. If no one has responded to a suggestion for a while but you feel it's important, you're allowed to post again and ask for more people's opinions. (Note: only 1 person should do this at a time in a topic.) If everyone follows these guidelines it will allow us to accept/reject suggestions more quickly. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding! We're looking forward to seeing what you have to say. (:
  18. I understand that the Soaring Bird for clowns isn't particularly useful. Because it's a bow it doesn't allow for clowns to use AV which is their primary offensive skill. We had the sprite for the class however and wanted to release it anyways, in hopes even a few people would use it and not just spam AV/tarot. We will (most likely) release donation weapons for clowns/gypsies in the future, but it would be minimal increases like on the champion weapon. We're always open for more input though as long as it's specific and with explanation. (:
  19. When suggesting things, ya'll need to take into consideration a) how difficult it is to do what you're suggesting b) if what you're suggesting is worth that amount of effort. This really doesn't seem necessary at all, it just seems like a lot of players are lazy and keep suggesting things because they don't want to have to work hard at anything. Yes, I know it would still require farming the items, but there are just so many suggestions like this... I understand it's annoying, but really. There are much more important things that should be considered/suggested/worked on.
  20. In my opinion, this wouldn't work well. Yes, we added a champion weapon, but there was a very minimal increase compared to the rental. What you're suggesting is as if clowns are underpowered, which isn't the case at all.
  21. It's not difficult to change your IP even if it were possible to restrict IPs. Even if everyone can only vote once, they could still change their IP and do it on many accounts then trade over the coupons, unfortunately. I don't know if there is a way around that.
  22. I already sent you a PM with something that should fix the problem you're having. If it doesn't then let me know. (:
  23. That would make it far too easy to abuse it. People can just create many accounts, vote on all of them (or rather, just click the links and not even enter the code so it isn't actually voting) and then trade the coupons to their main account. It's bad enough as it as now with how people don't take the extra couple of seconds to actually make the vote count. This just really would not be a good idea at all.
  24. Hi! Yes, you can send the donation through mail. You can click here for the information on how to donate by mail. As for how long it will take, it depends where you're sending it from. Once it's received, the items will be added to your storage within approximately 24 hours. Lastly, don't worry! The donation weapons are going to be available for awhile longer. As long as they are still available when you send the donation there wouldn't be an issue anyway. If you have any more questions, let me know! (:
  25. A tournament would be really fun. We could host it over a few weeks with each day having a different class (to give people time to prepare), or we could hold more than one a day at different time slots. I like the idea, I just don't know if that many people would participate in it and what kind of prizes we'd give, other than bragging rights.
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