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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. Veracity

    Woe 2.0

    Please stop making spam posts to bump the topic. We've already said we would add this, just not in the next update. We just left it open to see if any more players had any feedback. (: - Accepted -
  2. I do not think Sonic Blow needs any sort of boost. It's already quite strong as it is. I think as others have said, increasing soul destroyer is a better option. I really like the idea of adding a new katar weapon that increases soul destroyer and possibly grim tooth. It'd be wonderful to have more diverse Assassin crosses. (: We were already thinking of adding something like this in the future, but first we need to work out all of the bugs with the current weapons before we start seriously considering adding more. Genesis already confirmed when announcing the DSi winner that we will not be adding any new donation weapons with the next update. Just wanted to clarify that! - Rejected -
  3. We'll definitely remove the maximum over thrust effect and probably replace it with another skill. As for coma, that's dubious. In general, I dislike adding coma, but this is one class that really could use it since they're so underpowered. We'll see, but either way we will certainly remove the maximum over thrust effect. Thanks for your suggestion! (: - Accepted -
  4. Veracity


    I like the idea of the minigames, so long as they are not abusable. It'd be nice if we could get more feedback on this and ideas. Also, Ami, what makes you say you think fRO is dying?
  5. Veracity

    Shield Chain

    We can't make it a property skill because that requires skill edits. We could increase damage with it, though not by as much as you're suggesting... it's a possibility, I wouldn't rule it out. We'll take this into consideration. - Rejected -
  6. Ultimately, no matter what we do it is (and always will be) up to the Guild Master's discretion of who receives the WOE drops. We can't control who they give it to. If you feel it's unfair, you always have the option of leaving and joining another guild. This would require a lot of work and I don't think it would accomplish what you want it to. We certainly are not going to re-enable kills counting for the ladder in WOE though. - Rejected -
  7. Veracity

    Tao/ New Wep

    We'll be doing something for Paladins shortly, but I can't agree to adding reductions to their weapon. The reductions on the stalker bow was a result of a miscommunication and has been highly problematic. It was never intended to be like that. As for HP boost, maybe a very small one... Paladins can be very powerful and difficult to kill so it's best to be cautious. We will do something for them though. For now this is being rejected, but thank you for your suggestion nonetheless! - Rejected -
  8. Suggestion 1 (Emperium Card): I have to disagree with this. Certain classes were intended to be breakers, and others are better at defense, buffing teammates, etc. Suggestion 2 (Pouring Card): We've accepted boosting this card slightly or adding a new one. Suggestion 3 (LMS Room): The map for LMS is unlikely to be changed. I understand where you're coming from about this, though. Thanks for your suggestions. (: - Rejected -
  9. We're not editing any elite weapons currently, but we'll take these suggestions into mind for other items that will be released in the future. - Rejected -
  10. Veracity

    Hi I Suggest.

    I think other players have already pointed out the problem with changing this. It wouldn't be possible anyways since it requires skill editing. - Rejected -
  11. I don't think this would be particularly beneficial to new players, though I understand where you're coming from. I think it's a good idea and we could certainly work with it in the future. However, since very few players participate in Annihilation events, I don't know if many people would even do this to make it worthwhile. For now, I'm rejecting this, though we may use an idea similar to this in the future. Thanks for your suggestion! - Rejected -
  12. Replies in farewell threads were removed due to drama and this won't be re-enabled as we've tried doing so before and it didn't work. We may remove the section all together, but for now it will stay as it is. As some others have already said, you can message the person privately to say your goodbyes (which I find to be a more suiting place to say them anyways). Thank you for your suggestion, though! - Rejected -
  13. Suggestion 1 (Pouring Card): We can definitely do this. Suggestion 2 (Ankle Snare): This isn't an option at this time since it would require source editing. Suggestion 3 (Ranged Strip): We can look into fixing this if possible given the current circumstances. Suggestion 4 (Double Strafe): We can't do any skill edits, but we can release/edit items and card effects to improve the overall damage. Suggestion 5 (Phantasmic Arrow): This can't be done at this time. Suggestion 6 (Elite Sniper Dagger): This is a possibility, we could add something like this though it would not be any time soon. Suggestion 7 (Elite Sniper Bow) and Suggestion 8 (1-Handed Elite Sniper Bow): We are not editing any of the elite weapons at this time but this may change in the future. - Altering pouring card/increasing bow damage for snipers, looking into fixing ranged strip (if possible at this time), and possibly adding an Elite Sniper Dagger eventually are Accepted. - - The rest of the suggestions are not doable at this time and are therefore Rejected. -
  14. Veracity


    Unfortunately, this is not an option as it would be easily abusable. Thank you for your suggestion, though! - Rejected -
  15. Veracity


    This isn't at all necessary and if anything I think it would make more sense to change the descriptions to the names of the Norse gods instead. - Rejected -
  16. We'll be implementing something similar to this idea, though not exactly the same. The first suggestion about adding a card which allows player to use a cart is rejected though. I don't think that's a plausible suggestion. Adding a Forsaken arrow/bullet quest is... - Accepted -
  17. We'll be releasing new quests geared towards newer players and players who can't donate. There will be at least one this update and many more to follow! (: - Accepted (since we're already working on this) -
  18. Bumping this to see if we can get more player feedback and if anyone has any ideas for how to prevent this from being abused.
  19. Veracity


    Champions are strong enough already, and they were never intended to be an emperium breaking class. Thanatos was nerfed for champions with reason and I don't think this should be changed. Things are fine the way that they are for this class. We should be looking at other classes than need to be balanced and improved instead. Thank you for your suggestion though! - Rejected -
  20. - Rejected -
  21. Veracity

    Custom Job

    This would require an incredible amount of work to do as well as source edits which can't be done right now. I think our time is better spent on balancing the classes we DO have rather than making new ones. Thanks for your suggestion though. (: - Rejected -
  22. We can't make any edit to the damage formula for now, but we did try to boost the damage of stave crasher in the Valkyrie weapons. We're working on doing other things to help improve the wizard class as well, and we'll take this into consideration. Thanks for your suggestion! - Rejected -
  23. Veracity


    I don't think this is possible, or would require a lot of work to do. I think it's best to try to remember the time yourself or write a reminder somewhere. We can look into this though. Thanks for your suggestion! (: - Rejected -
  24. Veracity

    Crop & Drop

    I think this is a wonderful idea. We can definitely do this or something similar. We're trying to do more forum events, so if ya'll have any other ideas, by all means post them! (: Thanks for this great suggestion. - Accepted -
  25. Veracity


    1st suggestion: I would love for this to happen. If it's possible, I'd say that it's a definite yes. We'll see! 2nd suggestion: We're going to be introducing some really fun new events soon! 3rd suggestion: I think this is a great idea and we're trying to do this more. Thanks for your suggestions. (: - Accepted -
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