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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Sheeque

  1. hi peeps, just got a new pc. installed all in one and stuffs, when i click it sends me to patching client but when i start only opens the window outline and closes. WHY :<

    1. Rayray


      Did you use the setup.exe and put the correct stuff in(like video card)?

    2. Autopsies


      Try disabling the sound in your setup options. Also check for updates to your drivers.

  2. mistake >_<
  3. im scared, may mumoo. dapat natulog nako kanina pa, dont wna tx u kc u rage @ night.. im scared >__<'

  4. omg !! haha fro improved too muuuuuuuuuuuch. quest sacreds <3 its good that you guys have added quest auras esp that it has more colours to choose from :-)
  5. gg. hell yeah. all day err day !! tpam is not texting me :<
  6. hi hahaha im going to call you audi from now on. cos theyre sexy, cute, and badass :-D
  7. haha no problem :-D next time just make sure you check the forums if you encounter any ingame problems, all the maintenance work, down servers, and other logging in problems are posted on here ;-D also if you encounter bugs and stuffssss, someone might have already posted a topic on here but if not please make one so we all know about it and so the gms can fix them ;-p
  8. alsoooo. its best to make baby wizard for farming, it has extra 200 stat points = good for str :3 ps: to implement energy coat @ kings room, left side :-) forsaken dungeon pass: i found it kind of hard to acquire fdun pass when i first started, the quest was kinda hardcore haha.. didnt see the update, been off for too long :-/ sorry !! haha advantage for you !! youre best to farm speed potions / or concentrated. i forgot the map to the speed potion maze, but type in this: @whereis Munak or Hyegun or Bongun they all have a 1% drop rate of speed potion. or rent a pass to farm concentrated speed potions, concentrated speed potions: easy to farm, bulks !!! theyre just like speed potions but last longer, i think they have more higher price rate and its what people mostly use nowadays :-/ hope this helps, and i hope this is not old skool info cos ive not been on for ages :-o
  9. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=22260&pid=256312&st=0entry256312 :-)
  10. and... winning events. getting event tokens, trading them for tokens using the Event NPC and/or selling them to players for a higher rate. btw quest room: - where you can find info about quests like which items to farm, check the ratemyserver.net for items & mobs info. - sell the items youre more likely to sell ND belts, and quest sets easier than the quest headgears. MVP: - hunting mvps selling their cards/trading to other items that you may need for better MVP stats/PVP stats - sell MVP cards thanatos has the highest price rate, but its hard to get it has low drop rate hunting for kiels & tao would be easier. they are the most needed cards (i think) they are also quite pricey if you sell them. hope this helps :-) enjoy playing !! oh and btw, check the forums for most suitable MVP stats :-) & also thats how i got started in this server ;-)
  11. hi im new here. hahaha :-D imusm fro <3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. thePast


      Welcome back. :D

      Are you coming back forever? :( or just visiting?

    3. ScarletDevilmoon
    4. Sheeque


      me wants to install fro againz :-o

  12. Hmm. yes im online now ^^
  13. Luha (Tears) - Gagong Rapper
  14. omggg ! :o HIII :3
  15. oh wait, lol. ill post a goood picture of you gg. my crappy sketch of the boyfriend <3
  16. my homie being a badman. ohmm !! duck face <3 my boss and me in italy :/
  17. uhm i know not all rich players have worked hard to be where they stand now. they could have donated for their items, but i mean some of them did spend a lot of time earning their "Richness" lets be honest here, the majority started from quests and stuffs ^^
  18. dont worry. at least now you know what not to do, regrets are lessons learnt ;-)
  19. Lol edu :-)) Its good to see this in the Announcement part of the forums so players would know, seeing as banning a player thats been sharing the website around wont do much good.
  20. hi guys, springggg time!

  21. Happy Valentines Fro, ill be alone this year cos ma sweetheart is far away

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. coffee break

      coffee break

      lets say.. happy independence day..

    3. Sheeque


      foreva alone crew <3

    4. Lyris


      Rofl, Happy independence day xDDDDD I like it, though ironic.

  22. UPDATED! Shop has been idle for too long ;o
  23. hi , wazzap_mr ! goodluck with this . if you need help im mostly online on my character called Dreamer / :3
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