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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Sheeque

  1. Sheeque

    Best Dance Crew.

    I think So Real Cru . :jerry: Andrew Baterina :blush:
  2. Bleeeeeeeeh !D:

    You Myself & Us .

  3. Ariiiiiiiite twas :p

  4. how come when i save it on my forsakenRO folder the winRAR file doesnt work :/ and when i extract it it does system cannot find specified path or something like that. please help me ! im dieing to see what they look like :p
  5. haii blated happy birthdayy.

    me likeey your siggies :p

  6. Sheeque

    I Draw Stuff.

    omg !that is so good ./rice :] ahmm, how cam like it doesnt look drawn by hand :/ and like all the drawings here - i dont get it ? is it drawn by hand orr..
  7. so uhm is this normal, i log in my account i choose my char that iwunna use. and it looads. and loaads.. and says 'failed to connect to server' :suicide_anim: and how da hell do u use the signature ! ¬___________________¬'
  8. :thumbsup_anim:
  9. leave offehh c: :suicide_anim:
  10. Sheeque


    :blush: wuts poppin fro ;p erm ibeen playin fro for a while nows, &uhh ijust dint have time to sign up in the forumss. iwur using my bfs forum acnt before :biggrin: thanks for the welcomes.
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