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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Sheeque

  1. Do you still want them ? Do you still want them ? Yes i do still have it :-) , And the soul wing that i have is tradeable , it was donation time ago .
  2. hai fro , missed youu !! :-x

  3. omg , i forgot my password + i got rejected on the server for tryinggg :-(

  4. awww , tq for the greet <3

  5. Sooo , whats gonna happen with the activity tokens npc ? Nice update , i like the hourly event . keep players occupated ;-) and vote raws . ftw :3
  6. Save Me From Myself - Christina Aquilera
  7. yup , friendly ;-)
  8. Sheeque

    Hey Forsaken Ro !

    hey you :-p

  10. Bang It - KP ft Lost Generations Mo Milly - Birdman ft Drake Good Times - Roll Deet ft Jodie Connor Whatever Happens - Michael Jackson Get A Room - Lloyd All I Do Is Win - DJ Khaled ft Rick Ross Grow A Pear - Ke$ha Sleazy - Ke$ha
  11. people vote @ sotw , camon its like proper desertedd .

  12. Sheeque

    Le Shop

    KIELS 35ea .
  13. lots of things .

  14. hi . hahahah :-))
  15. hiya . hope you like this server :-)
  16. Sheeque


    hi , welcome to zeh server . enjoy ;-)
  17. it was coool ! it inspired me to be a proud mutant .
  18. Hey accel , nice to see you taking part in sotw :3
  19. dont make me close one more door , i dont wanna hurt anymore . stay in my arms if you dare , of must i imagine you there . Dont walk away from me ~

  20. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=19LPgLKrgLE
  21. Opening Soon : Signatures + Emblem Shop !!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sheeque


      ;-o , someone suggested it :-/

    3. Mint


      I liek teh idea! :3 Choo pro sheeque.

    4. Sheeque


      hah see gay boys !! @Baby . thankss johnyy :-x hahah :-x

  22. hahahah nice pic :-))))
  23. and all images used have to be sourced anyway .
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