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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Sheeque

  1. fight me .
  2. nothing satisfies the ungrateful .

  3. doods voting supposedly ended like days ago -__- anyways i vote skyrines . cos its sooo orange and its fantastic . four . Lmfao :-)) :-D in all seriousness .. because its appealing and she been using different techniques i guess :-/ but but but , its kinda out of theme though . meh still like it :-p Creativity - 3 Technical - 7 Execution - 4 Aesthetic - 5
  4. Dear Old Nicki - Nicki Minaj
  5. CHAIN HANG LOW - Jibbs
  6. Sheeque

    2012 ?

    :-O !! Good thing i practise a lot of modern warfare on mah ps3 :-))) LMFAO :-)) i get what you mean by dis :-)))
  7. Sheeque


    so uh . everythings working fine aside from the cursor not moving ? you can open it . log in . see everyone @ go 25 ??
  8. Sheeque


    welcome men ! :3
  9. Sheeque


    Welcome back ;-)
  10. Sheeque


    make sure youve patched up to date , alt + tab make sure youre on the Fro window . mm :-/ mouse freedom basically helps you navigate easier , its only suitable if you play windowed and not full screen . if its enabled you can hover / click on desktop without changing tabs . + youre best off to copy / paste the downloaded folder in your Fro Folder @ program files . extract it from there ;-)
  11. LMFAO . i want photoshop . too :-) ill fix mine asap ..
  12. omga . kewl :3
  13. Sheeque

    2012 ?

    Lol ikr . maybe millionaires take off to da moon and shiz :-))) doubt thatl happen though . bet no millionaire is as supersticious as meh .
  14. Entry 3 : With Hubby <3 Entry 4 : Kingdom Hearts
  15. Entry 2 : Main Character ( Sheeque )
  16. Entry 1 : Group Screenshot @ Forsaken's GM Map
  17. Ooh . okay ^^,
  18. updated :rolleyes:
  19. i whip my hair back and forth i whip my hair back and forth !! ~ baby smithhh ;-)
  20. i whip my hair back and forth i whip my hair back and forth !! ~ baby smithhh ;-)
  21. ja . i think maybe similar shape to ROP but different style ;-)
  22. Sheeque

    2012 ?

    whyd usa die ? i still wan go bk der qq . and wouldnt it be possible if theyre just saying the possible things that would happen . in the bible when it said earthquakes + stuff .. obv its bound to happen . like eg : tomorrow the sun will come up . cos obv it will roight ? D-: 2012 stresses me out too much . Lawl :-))
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