May I just say that you keep on adding things to your topic, you're just making ninja's get every single skill from a professor? I mean you asked for Firebolt and Coldoblt, then Deluge and Volcano, and then Stave Crasher? All I'm seeing is add-ons, I totally agree more on Zer025 on making a MAGIC-BASED DAGGER WITH ENLARGE WEIGHT LIMIT, he's totally correct that stalkers wouldn't abuse on the unlimited stones, if his suggestion was accepted. Also, it seems like you're saying that ninjas aren't powerful at all, but if you had the time to farm for better gear, better cards, everything, you'd probably be a good ninja. Every class has 1 major flaw, and that flaw will lead to them dying. Not only that, but if you look at other Soul Linker, they cant really fight, all they do is just resurrect themselves until their finger starts to hurt....they have NO skills to go up against another class, but as for a ninja, they can just lightning spear of ice, final strike, etc. OR they can just hop away to escape.
I'm just saying what I feel is right, that's all.