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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Amicable

  1. Why is it that, I'm attracted to the smart/weird people ._.?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. thePast


      cuz it's "love"? :P

    3. Rayray


      Thanks jayjay for calling me smart and weird. ;)

    4. Amicable


      @Drunk LOL, thank you ._.

      @thePast Aww, true that <3!

      @Rayray LOL, ofc rayray ;D

  2. Might be too late to say "Hello", but "Ello" :P Just wanted to wish you a happy......Enjoyable time on the forums and INGAME :D! (You won't see me ingame, but I'm on the forums, you can send me private messages :P)
  3. Omg, Welcome, Ecru(the font size is tiny, I might be wrong!) I love your signature, it reminds me of "Adventure Time" Its like the ice kingdom is the sharp dark side, and the mystical, geometric, white side is Candy Kingdom, heh. Anyways, hope you enjoy your stay ^.^ (Sadly, you won't see me ingame, but I'll be on the forums!)
  4. Well, if they did, what would the stats be? same as Amistr hat, etc.? I'll agree though :) Would be nice having more hats +1
  5. ________________________________ is awesome and the cutest person ever! Answer for the blank: "Jay" I win!
  6. =_= I hate those colors....especially for eyes! Ugh, definitely not BLACK EYES (I DONT WANT TO BE HIT!) I guess brown eyes! "_____" or [______]
  7. Even if you're living a lie, I know deep down, you're telling the truth....
  8. Why choose someone that you're not compatible with?
  9. Sister :) Guinea Pig or Rabbit
  10. NUTELLA! Guitar Or Piano
  11. ^ Nope nope nope~
  12. Irene <3! Oh, have I missed you! :D Very awesome girl~
  13. Ello! Welcome :D! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  14. Welcome :D! Hope you enjoy your stay, as well! ^.^ If you need any help :o Just send me a private message Or post on my profile page :O
  15. Why do the executions have to be so severe in this anime! 1000 Homeruns...and then A Motorcycle Cage Of Death

  16. ^ TRUE! Life is too short, enjoy what you can.
  17. PSP Sword Or Bow(comes with arrows)
  18. Excuse me~ Don't be forgetting about me~ MHM
  19. ^ Rawr rawr rawr rawr RAWR
  20. (After QWERTY) YUIOP[
  21. MANGOES! Lana Del Rey OR Rihanna
  22. "Will you still love me, when I'm no longer, Young and Beautiful~"
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